Pēd. atjaunots: 20.07.2024 23:09 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas Kuģniecība" reports first half 2004 results

25.08.2004, Latvijas kuģniecība, RIG

JSC Latvijas kuģniecība (Latvian Shipping Company - LASCO) today
announced its financial results for the first half of 2004. LASCO
Group's profit after tax for the first six months ended June 30, 2004
reached $ 5.4 million, which is an increase of $ 3.7 million compared
to the budget.

The above-mentioned result was achieved mainly due to the successful
LASCO fleet performance that was positively influenced by the
relatively high freight rates and stable demand prevailing in the
shipping market in early 2004. With the onset of summer, however, the
demand for oil products decreased leading to the reduction of freight
rates. The situation was further aggravated by the unfavourable
prospects for the employment of LASCO 's older tonnage, whose technical
condition does not comply with EU regulations. Due to the factors above
the Group's vessel operating profit for the first half of 2004 was $
13.1 million, which is half as much as in the respective period of

"Considering slow-down of the global economy, steadily growing prices
for oil products, traditionally high order books at the world
shipyards, as well as tightened regulations for oil transportation and
other circumstances influencing the situation in the shipping market,
there are no grounds to believe that relatively high current freight
rates will persist in the long-term perspective. Since charterers
prefer modern, reliable and safe tonnage, any eventual decrease in the
demand for maritime transportation services will in the first place
affect the oldest part of LASCO fleet. Only further implementation of
the Fleet Renewal Programme will enable the Group to develop and
preserve its market share in the middle-range tanker segment of the
shipping industry. Furthermore, it is economically sounder to maintain
a younger and smaller tonnage, than an older but a larger fleet", said
Imants Vikmanis, LASCO President.

As at the end of the first six months 2004 LSC Tanker Fleet consisted
of 33 product tankers, which were mainly employed either on time
charter or in the spot market. LSC Tanker Fleet's vessel operating
profit for the first half of 2004 has decreased threefold compared to
the respective period of 2003. Such a deterioration of the Tanker
Fleet's result was caused mainly by considerably lower average TCE
(Time Charter Equivalent) rates in the tanker market - those were
unprecedentedly high in the first half of 2003. Besides, in the
previous year the employment prospects for single-hull tankers were
more favourable compared to 2004.

LASCO Reefer Fleet, consisting of five ice-classed reefer vessels, was
traditionally employed in carrying fruit and other frozen cargoes from
the Southern Hemisphere to Northern Europe. Despite the fact that at
the beginning of the year freight rates in the given sector were lower
compared to 2003, Reefer Fleet's vessel operating profit for the first
half of 2004 exceeded the respective result of the previous year by $
0.6 million.

During the period LSC 's both LPG carriers continued to be employed by
ScandiGas Pool , and their vessel operating profit for the first six
months of 2004 exceeded first half 2003 profit by $ 1 million.

Decrease in the demand for liner transportation (caused by changes in
the Customs Transit Procedures upon Latvia's accession in EU) and m/v
Juris Avots planned dry dock repairs were the main reasons for the
lower, compared to 2003, first half 2004 result of LASCO Dry Cargo

Following the practice commenced in late 2003, LASCO vessels Rīg a,
Kurzeme , Vidzeme , Latgale and Juris Avots were reflagged during the
first half of 2004 and are now flying Latvian flag. Subject to positive
reflagging experience also other LSC vessels are planned to be
transferred to Latvian Ship Register and fly Latvian flag.

As at June 30, 2004 LASCO Group's fleet consisted of 33 product
tankers, 2 LPG carriers, 5 reefer vessels and 1 Ro-Ro/general cargo

JSC "Latvijas kuģniecība" non-audited financial report for 6 months of
2004 available here: <a href='http://www.rfb.lv' target='_blank'>http://www.rfb.lv</a>

Marita Ozolina-Tumanovska
Head of PR Departament
Phone: +371 7020120, 9287169
Fax: +371 7820239
e-mail : ozolina@lsc.riga


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