Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 01:09 (GMT+3)

Resolutions of JSC "Ogre" AGM of shareholders of July 21, 2004

22.07.2004, OT Grupa, RIG

1. To accept for information the Management Board Report on 2003
performance and the progress of restructuring process.

2. To approve JSC "Ogre" Annual Report for 2003.

3. To discharge Management Board of JSC "Ogre" from liability for
2003 operations".

4. To revoke Management Board member Vladislavs Tikāns from his

5. To revoke Supervisory Board member Gundars Staģis from his

6. To elect Vladislavs Tikāns a Supervisory Board member.

7. To elect certified auditor Natalija Millere, SIA "NM", for
2004, and to set that the fee may not exceed LVL 4,000.

8. To call an extraordinary meeting on August 27, 2004, at 16:00,
4 Ikšķiles Street, Ogre, with Agenda: JSC "Ogre" business in future.

9. To decline the move of shareholder "RB Securities" to include
an agenda item for the extraordinary meeting: "To charge Management
Board to provide a report on liabilities that are due for payment".

10. To call a repeated AGM of shareholders on August 20, 2004, at
12:00, 4 Ikšķiles Street, Ogre. Agenda:
1. Registration of the company at the Commercial Register.
2. Conversion of Management Board shares.
3. Change of company name.
4. Approval of the company Charter.
5. Other business (issuing a mandate).

11. To issue a mandate to JSC "Ogre" President to settle all
formalities with Company Register and other public institutions with
regard to AGM resolutions, with the right to transfer the mandate to a
third party.

Shareholders shall instruct their custodians to block the shares on
accounts by August 17, 2004. Shareholders who will block theirs shares
by the above deadline will be able to participate both at the
extraordinary as well as at the repeated AGM. The shares will not be
unblocked until the end of the repeated AGM.


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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