Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 03:08 (GMT+3)

More Than Five Million Tonnes of Crude and Products Were Handled by the Terminal of JSC "Ventspils N

09.07.2004, Ventspils nafta, RIG

Within the first six months of 2004 the Ventspils Nafta Termināls, Ltd.
- a daughter company of the Ventspils Nafta, JSC - handled 5.2 million
tonnes of crude oil and petroleum products that were delivered to the
terminal by rail road. The total volume of throughput is made up of 2.2
million tonnes of gas oil, 1.6 million tonnes of crude oil, as well as
1.4 million tonnes of gasoline of various grades.
Decreased railroad deliveries of gasoil from Russia and other CIS
countries have affected the activities of the Ventspils Nafta
Termināls, Ltd. in the first half of the year as gasoil is considered
to be the main product of the transhipment volumes handled by the
Ventspils Nafta Termināls, Ltd.
It is directly connected with the high prices for crude oil on the
world market as the export of crude has simultaneously decreased the
export of refined products such as gasoil. For example, within the
first five months of 2004 gasoil deliveries from Russia and CIS
countries by rail and water ways decreased by 1.1 million tonnes if
compared with the same period of 2003.
The current Russian tariff policy on rail deliveries significantly
hinders the way of the Ventspils Nafta Termināls to a successful
competition and as a result the costs for rail transportation to the
Baltic ports have increased by three to five times compared to the
costs for transportation by rail to the ports in Russia.
In June 2004 the Ventspils Nafta Termināls, Ltd. handled 0.6 million
tonnes of crude oil and petroleum products, among them 0.2 million
tonnes of gasoil, 0.2 million tonnes of crude oil as well as 0.2
million tonnes of motor gasoline.

For further information please contact Gundega Vārpa, tel. 7229792


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