Pēd. atjaunots: 21.07.2024 05:05 (GMT+3)

Responses offered by JSC "Strenču MRS" to the RSE questions:

16.06.2004, Strenču MRS, RIG

1. What is the reason for terminating the operations of Strenči and
Jērcēni woodworking facilities in 2003, thus incurring LVL 99,087
losses to "Strenču MRS", though it is a general understanding that
processed wood generates more value added than selling of round timber?

The decision to close down the two woodworking facilities was taken by
AGM of shareholders of March 31, 2003 (100% votes) - to authorise
Management Board to close down the facilities from July 1, 2003. This
business line was already bringing losses. Closing down has allowed the
Company to improve its financial performance.

Though indeed it is a general understanding that wood processing
generates more value added than sale of round timber, here are the
arguments supporting the decision:

a) woodworking business was generating losses instead of profit to the

b) upgrading the business line to make it profitable would mean a
complete change of infrastructure and technologies that meet the EU
standards - this would require substantial financial resources;

c) company further plans are associated with focusing on development of
woodcutting services. Company management does not believe that a
simultaneous development of wood processing branch is feasible because
of the large investments it requires, as well as due to the tough
competition both on the input and output side.

2. 2003 financial statements show that "Pata AB" is a debtor to
"Strenču MRS" LVL 250,936. What are these receivables and when will
they be paid off?

"Pata AB" is paying the invoices according to the provisions of the
agreement, and the term is 14 days. As of the beginning of 2004 "Pata
AB" had fully paid for the round timber bought from "Strenču MRS" at
the end of 2003; moreover, "Pata" has made an advance payment towards
purchase of wood, and as of March 31, 2004 it is "Strenču MRS" that
owes "Pata AB".

3. Please explain why cash balance has been significantly reduced if
compared to the end of 2002.

Company finance and cash management policies do not provide for keeping
large physical cash amounts in the company premises. If the question
refers to decrease in the item Cash, we are offering the following

a) during 2003 debt to credit institutions and leasing companies has
reduced by LVL 122 thousand;

b) the accounts receivable at the end of 2003 were LVL 424 thousand
less than at the end of 2002.

4. What is the reason for the difference in the item provisions for bad
losses (from LVL 80,828 in 2002 to LVL 6,494 at the end of 2003), at
the time when accounts receivable have increased?

During 2003 there has been no change in the policies as to provisions
for bad debts. In 2003 some of the bad debts were written off, and,
together with them, the respective provisions. The accounts receivable
as of December 31, 2003 were owed by customers that are paying on a
regular basis and do not require provisions. All in all, the quality of
debtors has increased over 2003.

5. What were the considerations of the shareholders when they on AGM on
May 20, 2004 resolved to change the company auditors and to discontinue
buying the services of an international audit firm?

The Law on Annual Reports requires an audit by a certified auditor.
Both the previous and the new auditor meet the criteria. One of the
main reasons was a significant increase of audit costs, at the same
time retaining the high quality of the audit.

6. Please comment on the status of litigation between "Strenču MRS"and
"Latvijas valsts meži".

The litigation was closed on October 22, 2003, as reported in the
Annual Report. The court verdict is evaluated to be in favour of
"Strenču MRS".


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