Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 01:04 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas Gāze" budget and activities plan for 2004

17.02.2004, Latvijas Gāze, RIG

Principal directions of the Company's activities in 2004

In 2004 the activities of JSC "Latvijas Gāze" will be aimed at
achieving the following objectives:

* fulfilment of the activities envisaged in the JSC "Latvijas Gāze"
marketing program ensuring further expansion of the gas supply
system and attraction of new consumers;
* modernisation and installation of spare compressor capacity at
Inčukalns UGS;
* cooperation with the state authorities to ensure compliance with
the requirements of the European Parliament and Council Directive
2003/55/EC (of 26.06.2003) concerning common rules for the internal
market in natural gas;
* improvement of customer service;
* implementation of the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" technical reconstruction
and modernisation program for 2004 - 2006.

The Company's main activity plans for the year 2004
1. Capital investment program

The capital investment program for 2004 has been drawn up taking into
account the fulfilment of the terms of licences issued by the Energy
Supply Regulation Council, the three-years investment program submitted
to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and accepted by PUC during the
tariffs approval process, instructions issued by other supervisory
authorities (fire safety, environmental and sanitary inspections) and
'Gazobezopasnostj', failure statements and the implementation of other
safety-related measures.

It is planned to invest LVL 25.4 mio
in 2004.

The basic priorities of the capital investment program are following:

* Construction of the compressor plant KC-1 and installation of spare
compressor capacity at Inčukalns UGS (24.4%);
* Reconstruction of methanol storage, KC-2 building, underground
bore-wells and power supply system at Inčukalns UGS (9.8%);
* Gas distribution pipeline construction, gas supply installation in
cities and villages (29.0%);
* Refurbishment of GRS (8) and modernisation of GRP (21) and SGRP
(26) (8.5%);
* Development of information technologies (IT) and systems, incl. the
development of a customer billing and service system and
continuation of the development of a unified gas pipeline digital
map (2.9%);
* Replacement of vehicles and mechanisms (3.9%).

The operation unit "Gāzes Transports" operates 47 gas regulation
stations (GRS), 4 of which are new. At present 23 GRS have been
refurbished, and it is planned to refurbish 8 more stations in 2004.
According to the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" adjusted investment program, the
GRS modernisation program will be completed in 2006, and altogether LVL
7.0 mio will be spent for this purpose.

The natural gas distribution system maintains 233 GRP, 623 SGRP and
3344 MR. 197 (96.6%) GRP and 334 (92.8%) SGRP will be modernised in the
end of 2003. The modernisation program will be completed in 2004.

It is planned to construct 195.2 km of gas pipelines in 2004,
connecting to the natural gas supply system new clients with potential
consumption 8.0 mio m3 in 2004 and gradually increasing to 61.9 mio m3.

1. Natural gas sales in 2004
According to operative information, natural gas sales amounted to
1 629.4 mio m3 in 2003, i.e. the largest ever volume of natural gas
sales after regaining the independence of Latvia. The 5.1% growth
of the gas sales volume in comparison with the year 2002 can be
explained by the unexpectedly low ambient temperatures during the
first four months of 2003, when the average air temperature was for
3.9oC lower than in the corresponding period of 2002, and the
connection of new clients to the natural gas supply system.
The natural gas purchase price and tariffs for Latvian users are
tied to the heavy fuel oil price quotations BARGES FOB ARA at
present. The current structure of prices, from the point of view of
competition, is favourable for the gas sales volume at high heavy
fuel oil prices. The most favourable situation occurs for the
tariff group at the fuel oil quotation above 140 USD/t. At heavy
fuel oil quotations around 110 USD/t it is to be considered as
still competitive to heavy fuel oil, however, these advantages are
lost at heavy fuel oil quotations below 100 USD/t.
As experts' forecasts show that heavy fuel oil quotations will
remain on the current level, then in 2004 the sales of natural gas
are planned to be 1 600.0 mio m3
. The budget for 2004 has been drawn up evaluating enquiries
submitted by natural gas users (totalling to 1 628.0 mio m3),
statistics of former years adjusted taking account the normal range
of ambient temperatures, as well as the assumption that municipal
management will involve in solving the debt settlement problems of
municipal heat supply utilities and continuous gas supply
interruptions will not be needed due to debts.
In the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" budget the forecast of income generated
by natural gas sales has been drawn up taking into account the
tariffs set by PUC order nr. 105 "About the JSC "Latvijas Gāze"
proposal of natural gas tariffs" of 09.04.2003 at the heavy fuel
oil with sulphur content 3.5% average quotation BARGES FOB ARA -
above 140 USD/t and the provisions of individual contracts with new
clients. Also gas purchase prices have been calculated in
accordance with the provisions of gas delivery contracts, planned
gas flows and price at heavy fuel oil quotation BARGES FOB ARA -
above 140 USD/t.
During the first half of 2004 natural gas will be sold to users at
tariffs set in the second half of 2003, but as of 01.07.2004 those
will rise for 2.5% on average.

2. Average number of employees

In 2003 the average number of employees of the natural gas supply
system will amount to 1262 people , but in 2004 JSC "Latvijas Gāze"
will employ 1300 people.

The increase of the number of employees is related to the increase of
the gas pipeline length and the number of equipment to be maintained as
the result of gas supply installation, creation of a geographic
information system (GIS) and the increased volume of work for the basic
activity support functions.

In 2003 the average monthly salary in JSC "Latvijas Gāze", excl. the
management's remuneration, will be LVL 358, but in 2004 - LVL 382 (6.6%
growth, real growth ~ 3.6%, because the Bank of Latvia anticipates that
in 2004 the average inflation level will be 3%).

Main financial and economic indices of the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" budget for

1. Natural gas sales

In 2004 the natural gas sales revenues are planned to be LVL 115 485.4
thousand or 95.8% of the total basic activity income.
When drawing up the gas flow balance of Inčukalns UGS for the year 2004
it has been planned that 2 100.0 mio m3 of gas will be injected into
the storage in summertime. For the needs of other countries it is
planned to inject 1 000.0 mio m3 of the total volume and withdraw 987.0
mio m3 that will yield to the Company income amounting to LVL 4.49 mio.
In 2004 the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" basic activity income is planned to be
LVL 120 574.23 thousand
, but costs - LVL 107 324.0 thousand.

2. The Company's profit.

In 2004 the profit before taxes is planned to be LVL 13.2 mio, but
after the payment of the real estate and corporate income taxes - LVL
10 086.4 mio.
The net profitability is anticipated to reach 8.4%, but the return on
equity - 6.9% (profit before taxes).
Changes of the year 2004 profit in comparison with the previous years,
when the net profit was higher at lower volumes of gas sales, are
connected with the increase of depreciation deductions as the result of
the fixed assets revaluation.
In 2004 the JSC "Latvijas Gāze" liquidity will be sufficient and the
accumulated funds will fully ensure financing for the planned capital
investment program.

JSC "Latvijas Gāze"budget of 2004 is aviable - here
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