Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 03:15 (GMT+3)

A/s "NORD/LB Latvija" has achieved convincing financial results in 2003

29.01.2004, DNB Banka, RIG

Unaudited results of NORD/LB Latvija for the year 2003 prove that the
bank has continued its rapid and dynamic growth.
In 2003 the amount of the bank's assets has increased by 52% up to LVL
217.5 million. The amount of deposits attracted has grown by 46% during
the period under review. The clients of the bank- both private
individuals and legal entities- have particularly appreciated the loan
offers of NORD/LB Latvija, so the market share of the bank in terms of
loan portfolio in 2003 has grown by more than 1% (1.1%- from 4,2% up to
5,3%). The loan portfolio of NORD/LB Latvija in the period has
increased by 78% up to 157 million LVL. Net profit of NORD/LB Latvija
for 2003 amounted to more than LVL 1.5 million.
The President of NORD/LB Latvija Andris Ozoliņš is delighted with the
results achieved: "Financial results of the bank for the year 2003
obviously prove that the bank which was renamed NORD/LB Latvija last
spring, has become a full-blooded member of the international financial
group, proving convincingly its high competitiveness on the financial
market of Latvia. As before, also last year the growth of NORD/LB
Latvija was significantly faster than that of the banking sector in
average. We will continue the dynamic growth in 2004 both improving the
financial products and reinforcing our positions in new business
In 2004 NORD/LB Latvija plans to increase its role in leasing market
significantly as well as to participate in funding of small and
medium-size enterprises. Taking chance of the unique experience of the
mother bank acquired in the field of co-operation with EU funds,
NORD/LB Latvija offers to the customers advisory services with regard
to access to the resources of structural funds, providing
recommendations in project execution, planning of cash flows and
development of business plans as well as with regard to other issues.
NORD/LB Latvija has 19 branches and 16 sub-branches in Riga and the
biggest towns of Latvia, and it has expected to develop its branch
network in 2004 significantly.

Teika Lapsa
Phone.7015395, 9161561


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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