Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 03:12 (GMT+3)

Open-end fund "Naudas Tirgus Fonds" to be listed on the Riga Stock Exchange

20.01.2004, , RIG

Riga Stock Exchange Management Board has resolved to list open-end
investment fund "Naudas Tirgus Fonds " on the Investment Fund list.

The fund investment policies provide for investing in securities issued
by Latvian, Baltic, European Union, European Economic Area or OECD
issuers. Fund assets may be invested in debt securities issued or
guaranteed by governments, municipalities, central banks, issued by
financial institutions or by corporations, as well as in money market
instruments and in deposits with credit institutions.

Pursuant to the principles of open-end investment funds, the fund
itself will sell and buy back the units. Investment company "Hansa
Fondi" is the asset manager for "Naudas Tirgus Fonds " , and
"Hansabanka" is the custodian bank.

This is already the fourth fund listed on the Riga Stock Exchange.
Currently there are two open-end funds - "Baltic Index fonds" and
"Valsts obligāciju fonds", and one closed-end fund - "Baltijas
nekustamā īpašuma fonds" - listed on the Riga Stock Exchange Investment
Fund list.

Prospectus of the fund "Naudas Tirgus Fonds"

For more information, please contact:
Krista Grintale
Corporate Communications Director
Riga Stock Exchange
Phone: +371 7212431

Riga Stock Exchange is part of OMHEX Group. OMHEX is a leading provider
of marketplace services and transaction technology to financial and
energy markets. Through its exchange operations within
Stockholmsbörsen, HEX Helsinki, HEX Tallinn and HEX Riga, OMHEX
operates northern Europe's largest securities market and offers
investors access to 80% of the Nordic and 75% of the Baltic equity
markets. The central securities depositories in Finland, Estonia and
Latvia are also part of OMHEX.


Ieguldījumu Fondi

Tirgus informācija



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