Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 05:06 (GMT+3)

RSE securities lists starting with January 1, 2004

30.12.2003, , RIG

The RSE Management Board has resolved on the below listed changes in
the securities lists:

1. To transfer JSC " NORD/LB Latvija " shares from Second list to Free
list starting with January 5, 2004. The reason for the transfer is the
insufficient free float to qualify for Second list: about 99% of
NORD/LB shares are owned by German bank Norddeutsche Landesbank

2. Due to the failure to comply with the provisions of Item 1.5 of the
RSE Enforcement Note on Securities Lists, stipulating that an issuer
shall sign an written listing and disclosure agreement with the RSE,
the below listed joint stock companies shall be delisted from the RSE
Free list starting with January 1, 2004:

- Būvmehanizācija
- Gutta
- Jelgavas būvmateriālu kombināts
- Metālserviss
- Kalceks
- Latvijas zoovetapgāde
- Ogre
- Olaines kūdra
- Poligrāfists
- Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca
- Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca
- Rīgas kinostudija
- Rota
- Salacgrīva 95
- Saldus naftas bāze
- Staburadze
- Talsu MRS
- Tukuma MRS
- Universālveikals "Centrs"
- Veldze

3. The below listed joint stock companies will remain listed on the
Free list:

- Baloži
- Grobiņa
- Rīgas farmaceitiskā fabrika
- Kurzemes atslēga 1
- Kvadrapak
- Latvijas tilti
- Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs
- Liepājas autobusu parks
- Lode
- Lokomotīve
- Paraugtipogrāfija
- Rīgas autoelektroaparātu rūpnīca
- Rīgas raugs
- Rīgas ostas elevators
- Rīgas starptautiskā autoosta
- Rīgas Sporta pils
- Saldus MRS
- Siguldas CMAS
- Strenču MRS
- Tukuma GPS
- VEF Radiotehnika RRR

For more information, please contact:
Krista Grintale
Corporate Communications Director
Riga Stock Exchange
Phone: +371 7212431

Riga Stock Exchange is part of HEX Integrated Markets, a division of
OMHEX, is northern Europe's largest securities market. Through its
exchange operations within Stockholmsbörsen, HEX Helsinki, HEX Tallinn
HEX Riga (Riga Stock Exchange), it offers investors access to 80% of
the Nordic equity market and 75% of the Baltic equity market. HEX
Integrated Markets also operates CSDs in Finland, Estonia and Latvia.


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