Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 07:17 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas Gāze" share buyout offer by Ministry of Economy

15.11.2003, , RIG

Share buyout offer

1. Target company

Public joint stock company "Latvijas Gāze", registered on March 22,
1991 at Enterprise Register of the Republic of Latvia, registration No
000300064, legal address A.Briāna iela 6, Riga, LV-1001, phone 371
7369132, fax 371 7821406, e-mail: latvijas.gaze@lg.lv (hereinafter
"target company")


Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Latvia, Brīvības iela 55, Riga,
LV-1519, phone 371 7013101, fax 371 7280882 e-mail: pasts@em.gov.lv
(hereinafter "offerer")

3.Type of offer

Mandatory buyout offer is announced pursuant to the provisions of
Article 65 part 1 of the law "On Securities", 651 and Item 10 of
Transitional Provisions.

4.Securities code


5. Number of shares offered

Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement signed on April
2, 1997 between "E.ON Energie AG", "Rurghas Aktiengesellschaft",
"Gazprom" and "Privatizācijas aģentūra" (hereinafter "shareholder
agreement"), and the information from "Itera-Latvija" that the company
does not intend to express the mandatory share buyout offer, the
maximum number to be bought out by the Offerer is 5 shares.

6. Buyout price

Target company share buyout price is LVL 5.50.

7. Payment and settlement procedure and terms

7.1 Payment for shares will be made within five business days after the
end date specified in Item 8;

7.2 In case the number of shares in sell orders exceeds the number
specified in Item 5, the Offerer shall accept the bids in proportion
to the number of shares bid.

7.3 the Offerer shall summarize the bids and submit the data to State
Treasury for execution. State Treasury shall submit the order to
"Parekss banka" for execution, following delivery versus payment

7.4 The bidders of the target company shares interested in responding
to the buyout offer may inspect the offer text on the Offerer's website
<a href='http://www.em.gov.lv,' target='_blank'>http://www.em.gov.lv,</a> Riga Stock Exchange website <a href='http://www.rfb.lv,' target='_blank'>http://www.rfb.lv,</a> Ministry of
Economy Brīvības 55, contact person Kaspars Lore, phone 7013019, e-mail

8. Validity of the offer

The offer is valid for four weeks starting with publication of the
offer in the official newspaper "Latvijas Vēstnesis" (identical
notification will appear in the newspaper "Rīgas Balss").

9. Accepting procedure for the target company shareholders

The shareholders willing to respond to the buyout offer may submit
their bids via the bank or brokerage company where the shareholder has
the share account opened, by 17:00 of the day specified in Item 8. The
bids will be forwarded to Ministry of Economy.

10. The intentions of the offerer with regard to takeover of the target
company, its business in future, management and employees

The Offerer is acting in order to comply with the provisions of the
law "On Securities". The Target company will continue to operate
according to its Charter, and no changes are expected in the
management. The employees of the target company will retain their jobs
according to their employment agreements.

11. Other information

Offerer shall, within 2 business days after the expiry of the offer
deadline, submit to the Financial and Capital Market Commission and the
Target company a report on the results of the offer, specifying the
following information:

- target company and Offerer's banking details;

- number of shares bid;

- number of shares held by the Offerer after the execution of the


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