Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 13:18 (GMT+3)

Riga Stock Exchange and Latvian Central Depository are moving to a new office

24.09.2003, , RIG

Riga Stock Exchange and Latvian Central Depository will start working
at their new office located at Vaļņu iela 1, Riga.

The organisation needed a new office because the previous one, at the
historical Stock Exchange building, no longer met the standards for
up-to-date information technologies.

Stock Exchanges in Budapest, Paris, Prague, Stockholm, Warsaw and some
others have left their historical buildings for similar reasons.

Guntars Kokorevičs, President of the Riga Stock Exchange: "Moving to a
new and modern office will allow the Riga Stock Exchange and Latvian
Central Depository to make use of technologies that meet the
requirements of a growing business. The need for a new and modern
office is especially topical right now, when work at the implementation
of new trading system SAXESS is in progress. This trading platform will
be used by all the exchanges in the OMHEX Group: Riga Stock Exchange,
Tallinn, Stock Exchange, Stockholmsborsen and HEX Helsinki.

For more information, please contact:
Krista Grintale
Corporate Communications Director
Riga Stock Exchange
Phone: +371 7212431

Riga Stock Exchange is part of HEX Integrated Markets, a division of
OMHEX, is northern Europe's largest securities market. Through its
exchange operations within Stockholmsbörsen, HEX Helsinki, HEX Tallinn
and HEX Riga, it offers investors access to 80% of the Nordic equity
market and 75% of the Baltic equity market. HEX Integrated Markets also
operates CSDs in Finland, Estonia and Latvia.


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