Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 15:11 (GMT+3)

JSC "Poligrāfists" share buyout offer

29.08.2003, , RIG

Pursuant to FCMC resolution #17/5 of November 2, 2001 "Regulations on
buyout of shares", items -

1. Target company Public joint stock company "Poligrāfists", registered
29/11/1991 at Enterprise Register of the Republic of Latvia,
registration No 000304188, legal address Kr. Valdemāra iela 6, Rīga, LV
1010, phone 7324518, fax 7508798 (hereinafter "Company")

2.Offerer Limited liability company "Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC", registration
number at Commercial Register 000315416, registration date 06/10/1993,
address Kr. Valdemāra iela 6, Rīga, "Offerer");

3.Type of offer Mandatory buyout offer is announced pursuant to the
provisions of Article 65 part 1 of the law "On Securities", Item 10 of
"Transitional provisions" and Item 2.8.1 of the FCMC resolution #17/5
of November 2, 2001 "Regulations on buyout of shares", SIA "Apgāds
Zvaigzne ABC" holds the number of shares in JSC "Poligrāfists" which
gives over ½ or ¾ of the votes at general meeting of shareholders.

4.Securities code LV0000100584

5. Buyout price The target company shares are offered to buy out at the
price of LVL 1.04 per share.

6. Payment and settlement procedure and terms The Offerer shall submit
the buy order to "Latvijas Unibanka", to be delivered for execution to
the Riga Stock Exchange; all the sell orders will be accepted at the
RSE by 14:00 of the deadline specified in Item 7 of this offer;
payment will be transferred within three business days after the offer
validity, according to Delivery Versus Payment principle.

7. Validity of the offer The offer is valid for four weeks starting
with publication of the offer in the official newspaper "Latvijas
Vēstnesis" - the end date to specified in the notification in the

8. Accepting procedure for the target company shareholders The
shareholders willing to respond to the buyout offer shall deliver their
sell orders to a bank or a brokerage company. The bank or the brokerage
company must send the order to the Riga Stock Exchange pursuant to the
effective Rules and Regulations.

9. The intentions of the offerer with regard to takeover of the target
company, its business in future, management and employees

The Offerer is announcing the buyout in order to comply with the
provisions of the law "On Securities". The Company will continue to
operate according to its Charter; there will be no changes made in the
Company management. The employees of the Company retain their jobs as
per their individual employment contracts.


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