Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 15:13 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas balzams" performance in the first half of 2003

15.08.2003, Amber Latvijas balzams, RIG

In the first six months of 2003 JSC "Latvijas balzams" sales amount to
LVL 22.8 million or 47% of the target for the year. Net profit made
during the period amounts to LVL 214 thousand (target for the year is
LVL 2.016 million).

During the first half of 2003 the Company finalised the implementation
of two large investment projects - storage facilities and packaging
production unit. This will allow providing large volume export orders
with full service, including storage, customs procedures and reloading.
Phase I of another investment project, reconstruction of low alcohol
production unit, was completed, too, allowing launching a new product
category - beer mix. All in all, LVL 4.8 million have been invested in
the projects since autumn of last year. The new projects involve extra
costs as well - due to new jobs and administrative costs. The company
believes that a long-term investment has been made, which should not be
expected to bring immediate profit. The accomplished investment
projects guarantee that the company will be able to handle the
increasing export orders.

JSC "Latvijas balzams" has set for itself the key task for 2003 - to
consolidate the position in the domestic market, increasing the market
share to 48% by the end of the year. In the first 6 months more than 20
new products were offered to the market.

The company continues to work on contract manufacturing of other
brands. Marketing activities in Lithuania and Estonia have been
intensified; the company has opened new markets and is expanding the
present export volumes and range of products to the Ukraine, Denmark,
Byelorussia, Estonia, Austria, Sweden. All in all, the exports have
increased by 24% in comparison with the respective period a year ago.

Total investment volume planned for 2003 amounts to LVL 4.454 million.
It includes completing the reconstruction of the production unit
located at Briana Street, Riga. The company proceeds with the work at
introducing quality control, labelling, packaging and tasting standards
that would meet the most stringent EU directives and regulations. By
the end of the year "Latvijas Balzams" intends to attain an increase of
export sales by 30% over the last year's figure. Initial preparations
have been done to enter a number of new export markets: Czech Republic,
Slovenia, United Kingdom, Norway, Mexico and Japan.

To strengthen its position in the Baltic region, "Latvijas Balzams" is
participating in privatisation of "Stumbras", a Lithuanian alcoholic
beverages producer. The ultimate results of the tender bid have not yet
been announced.


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