Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 17:18 (GMT+3)

Resolutions of JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" Annual General Meeting on July 22, 2003

25.07.2003, Rīgas kuģu būvētava, RIG

This is to inform that JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" (Securities code: LV
0000100378) AGM of shareholders was held on July 22, 2003. Resolutions
of the AGM are the following:
1. To accept JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" Management Board report on
2002 performance
2. To approve the Annual Report of JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" for
3. To approve the Consolidated Report of JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava"
for 2002;
4. To approve the Dependency Report of JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava"
for 2002;
5. To discharge the members of Management Board and Supervisory
board from liability for 2002 operations;
6. To pay dividends from JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" 2002 net income
- 0.02 LVL per share.
7. To revoke from responsibilities the f members of Management Board
as follows:
· Chairman (president) Vasilijs Meļņiks;
· Deputy Chairman (vice president) Sergejs Golicins;
· member Igors Komarovs;
· member Gatis Lazdiņš;
8. To elect JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" Management Board as follows:
· Vasilijs Meļņiks;
· Aivars Stolders;
· Igors Komarovs.
9. To revoke from responsibilities members of Supervisory Board as
· Chairman Jānis Davidovičs;
· Deputy Chairman Anatolijs Ustinovs;
· member Ēriks Kaža;
· member Vladislavs Loškarevs;
· chief financial officer Larisa Artemenko.
10. To elect JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" Supervisory Board as follows:
Jānis Davidovičs;
Anatolijs Ustinovs;
Larisa Artemenko;
Sergejs Golicins;
Gundars Staģis.
11. The renumeration of Management Board and Supervisory Board members
was confirmed.
12. Ms Natāliju Zaicevu (SIA "Astrop") was approved as an auditor of
JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" for 2003.
13. To confirm application of 3% from company's net turnover for
Supervisory and Management Board organisational costs, including
additional remuneration for Management Board and Supervisory Board
members and employees.
14. JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" lawyer Ms. Sanita Lazdane is responsible
for all duties related to registration of the resolutions of the JSC
"Rīgas kuģu būvētava" Annual General Meeting at Enterprise Register of
the Republic of Latvia.
15. To organise repeated AGM of the JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" on August
5, 2003, at 17.00
JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" informs that due to the lack of quorum, AGM
did not resolved issues related to the amendments in the statutes.
Repeated AGM of the JSC "Rīgas kuģu būvētava" will be held on August 5,
2003 at 17.00, at the address Gāles street 2, Riga. Shareholders of JSC
"Rīgas kuģu būvētava" shall apply for blocking shares by July 25
(including), 2003. We require the list of the shareholders by July 31,


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