Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 17:16 (GMT+3)

JSC "Rota" share buyout offer

21.07.2003, , RIG

1. Target company
Public joint stock company "Rota", registered on June 14, 1995 at
Enterprise Register of the Republic of Latvia, registration No
000325608, tax payer's registration certificate No 40003256084, legal
address Dzirnavu 57, Rīgā, LV-1050, phone 7 812 700, fax 7 812 750.
Rafails Deifts, ID no 111062-10414, passport No LC 0698557 issued on
April 15, 1996, at PID Riga city Pļavnieku department
3.Type of offer
Mandatory buy-back offer is announced pursuant to the provisions of
Article 65 of the law "On Securities" and Item 1.3.1. of the FCMC
resolution #17/5 of November 2, 2001 "Regulations on buyout of shares".
4.Securities code
LV 0000100170
5. Buyout price
The target company shares are offered to buy out at the price of LVL
1,53 per share.
6. Payment and settlement procedure and terms
All the sell orders will be accepted by 14:00 of the date Payment will
be transferred within three business days after the offer validity
deadline specified in Item 7 of this offer. Share buy-back is organised
on the basis of Delivery Versus Payment principle according to the
Latvian Central Depository regulations and instructions.
7. Validity of the offer
The offer is valid for thirty calendar days starting with publication
of the offer in the official newspaper "Latvijas Vēstnesis".
8. Accepting procedure for the target company shareholders
The shareholders willing to respond to the buyout offer shall deliver
their sell orders to a bank or a brokerage company. The bank or the
brokerage company must send the order to "LatEko banka", Rīga,
Birznieka- Upīša street 21, to Ms. Tamāra Klebanovska, phone 7041121
(from 9.00 to 17.00). The offer document is available for inspection at
Elizabetes street 51, Riga, 4 floor, working days 10.00 - 17.00.

9. The intentions of the offerer with regard to takeover of the target
company, its business in future, management and employees
By obtaining control interest in the target company, Rafails Deifts
intends to continue work of the target company with the purpose to
enhance the growth of profitability, as well as to invest in renovation
of the premises the company owns. The company will continue to provide
management services to related companies. To manage the company more
effectively, restructuring of the company is planned. Significant
attention will be devoted to development of the retail chain "Drogas",
thus providing more working places in Latvia, as well as abroad.
Rafails Deifts does not intend any organisational changes regarding the
target company's management and employees.
10. Piedāvātāja piederošo akciju skaits
Rafails Deifts owns 871 994 shares of the public joint stock company
September, 1995 9998 management board shares with non-voting
February 2002 175 000 shares with voting rights,
June 26, 2003 675 685 shares with voting rights,
June 7, 2000 11 311 shares with voting rights.
In total Rafails Deifts owns 861 996 public joint stock company's
"Rota" shares with voting rights, which comprise 84,17% of total shares
with voting rights. The total amount of all "Rota" shares, which is
owned by Rafails Deifts is 871 994, which comprises 84,33%.
11 Securities account
LatEko banka Nr. 1100091.
R. Deifts_______________


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