Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 19:18 (GMT+3)

JSC "Ventspils nafta" AGM of shareholders will be held on July 30, 2003

19.06.2003, Ventspils nafta, RIG

JSC "Ventspils nafta" AGM of shareholders will be held on July 30, 2003
at 10:00, at 23 Ostas Street, Ventspils.
1. Review of the performance in 2002;
2. Discharge of Management Board members from liability for 2002
3. Distribution of 2002 profits;
4. Budget and operational plan for 2003;
5. Elections of certified auditor for 2003;
6. Amendments to the Charter;
7. Changes in Management Board;
8. Establishing of internal audit unit, implementation and revoking of
Audit Commission;
9. Elections of Supervisory Board.

Shareholder registration will take place at the venue of the meeting on
the meeting day - July 30 - from 9:00 till 9:45.
Shareholders may participate at the meeting either in person, or may
delegate a representative or a proxy.
· Shareholders having a securities account shall present a personal ID
and a securities account statement issued by the custodian, certifying
blocking of shares on the account;
· Shareholders having their shares at the Initial Register shall
present a personal ID.
· Representatives and proxies shall present a written proxy, a personal
ID, and an account statement issued by the custodian certifying
blocking of shares on the account. A notary public shall certify
proxies issued by natural persons.
Shareholders shall have their accounts blocked by July 14, 2002 (end of
the business day).
Draft resolutions are available for inspection at the Company head
office 75 Talsu Street, Ventspils, Legal Department, starting with July
23 on business days from 9:00 till 16:00, and on the meeting day at the
place of registration at 23 Ostas Street, Ventspils.
Recommendations and moves for the draft resolutions are welcome in
writing, to be addressed to Company Management Board till the opening
of the meeting.


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