Pēd. atjaunots: 22.07.2024 19:15 (GMT+3)

JSC "Ventspils nafta" continues to enhance the Group management system

19.06.2003, Ventspils nafta, RIG

JSC "Ventspils nafta" is a Group company according to the legislation
of Republic of Latvia and its business. The company continues to
upgrade its management and supervisory system in line with the
respective standards by separating the holding company functions, and
by grouping the group companies according to lines of business.
The purpose of the restructuring of JSC "Ventspils nafta" management
structure, initiated at the beginning of the year, is to optimise the
co-ordination of the Group operations and investments. This is expected
to enhance the development of individual businesses within the group,
consequently, increasing the value of each company and the Group as a
whole. Segregating the present lines of business in specialised line
companies will increase the management capacity, will improve the
financial accountability and utilisation of resources. This management
model has been proposed by Ernst & Young Baltic.
The core business of "Ventspils nafta" is reloading of oil products
imported from Russia. The company, following the advice of
international auditors, continued seeking for diversification of the
business risks arising form political and economic factors. As a
result, the company has acquired ownership interest in a number of
companies not related to transit business, and has gradually obtained a
structure typical for a group. Thus, over a six year period "Ventspils
nafta" - initially only an oil product reloading terminal and oil pipe
owner SIA "LatRosTrans" - has developed into a Group with six business
lines: transit, printing, publishing, hotel services, real estate,
shipping. SIA "Nafta holdings", founded by "Ventspils nafta", used to
deal with the company investment projects and investment management.
At the same time, the development of "Ventspils nafta" management and
supervisory systems lagged behind. The key functions of a holding
company were executed by the oil product reloading company itself. Now
it is planned to hand over the holding company functions to JSC
"Ventspils nafta". Some of the companies will be founded anew. The
existing daughter companies include SIA "LatRosTrans", JSC "Latvijas
kuģniecība", JSC "Preses names", JSC "Mediju names". SIA "Nekustamie
īpašumi VN" is already operating as a holding company for real estate
SIA "Ventspils nafta termināls" will be founded anew and will handle
the oil product transit business currently run by "Ventspils nafta"
itself. The share capital will be increased on the account of
investment in kind - fixed assets of the terminal. The former JSC
"Ventspils nafta" employees will be in the new Management Board:
Rolands Kalniņš, Aleksandrs Antipins, Vjačeslavs Verņuks, Marika
Bīdermane, Raimonds Grīniņš.

SIA "Ventspils nafta termināls", as well as SIA "Rīgas līcis VN" and
SIA Nekustamie īpašumi VN" will be 100% "Ventspils nafta"-owned.
Decisions on founding other new companies will be passed on
case-by-case basis.


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