Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 21:13 (GMT+3)

The extraordinary shareholders' meeting of JSC Ventspils Nafta elects the new Board and management o

29.07.2002, Ventspils nafta, RIG

The extraordinary shareholders' meeting of JSC Ventspils Nafta elects
the new Board and management of the company
Today, on the 26th of July 2002, the extraordinary shareholders'
meeting of JSC Ventspils Nafta considered all questions of the agenda,
electing the new Management Board of the company and also appointing
Janis Adamsons in the post of the new Chairman of the Management Board
and the President of JSC Ventspils Nafta and Ritvars Priekalns in the
post of the Deputy Chairman and the Vice-President of the company.
J. Adamsons has been the member of the Management Board of JSC
Ventspils Nafta since the 29th October 2000, and since May 1999 he has
been working as a Construction Director. During the leadership of J.
Adamsons, the most important investment projects of JSC Ventspils Nafta
for the recent years have been implemented in order to strengthen the
competitiveness of the company and the whole oil transit corridor of
Ventspils. The main projects are the modernisation and enlargement of
the tank park for the oil and oil product storage, putting into
exploitation of the dual loading and unloading railway rack for the
light oil products, implementation of the automation project of the
transhipment department and fire-fighting system and others.
Before the employment at JSC Ventspils Nafta, J. Adamsons took the post
of the project manager in JSC Ave Lat Grupa, the post of the Deputy
General Director in Multibau Ltd and the post of the Deputy Minister in
the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia.
Also the Vice-President of JSC Ventspils Nafta, R. Priekalns has worked
in the company's Board and in the post of the General Director since
October 2000, but at JSC Ventspils Nafta he is working already since
The shareholders' meeting of JSC Ventspils Nafta also elected members
of the Management Board: the Finance Director, Aldis Akis, the Head of
the Transhipment Department, Rolands Kalnins, and the Commercial
Director of the company, Alexander Antipins.
The shareholders' meeting also approved the amendments in the articles
of incorporation of JSC Ventspils Nafta, the most important of which
are connected with the approval procedure of the company's management,
forecasting the election of the Chairman of the Management Board - the
President and the Deputy Chairman - the Vice-President in the
shareholders' meeting, and not as it was before - by the company's
Management Board after coordination with the Supervisory Board By
making amendments, the management structure of the company is being
optimised, cancelling the post of the General Director of JSC Ventspils
Nafta and further handing over these duties to the Vice-President.


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