Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 19:11 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas balzams" plans regarding the construction of a distillery

02.07.2002, Amber Latvijas balzams, RIG

"Latvijas balzams" has not released any separate notification about its
plans to build a distillery in Latvia. The information in mass media
appeared after the interviews in the newspaper "Diena" and in BNS.

On July 1, 2002, the Company provided the following comments to new
agency LETA (upon its request):

Next year "Latvijas balzams" is expecting to complete the investment
project initiated already during the previous year. As a result, at the
end of 2003 one more distillery may be launched into operation in
Latvia. All in all, the company is planning to invest LVL 5.137 million
in development this year, including investment in the designs of the
distillery. Total investment amount required for the distillery, its
output capacity and construction costs will be specified after
completion of the design. Neither is the geographical location nor any
time schedule known as yet. However, it is presumed that the distillery
may be launched into operation already next year.

The purpose of the distillery is to provide "Latvijas balzams" with
high quality spirits in sufficient amounts, needed to produce for the
domestic and Baltic markets. Currently the Latvian spirits market is in
crisis, while the Company operations require deliveries of high quality
spirits on a regular basis. Presently, spirit is purchased in Estonia,
too. At the same time, spirit used for manufacturing of export brands
"Moskovskaja" and "Stolichnaja" comes from and will continue to come
exclusively from Russia, according to the technology of these brands.


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