Pēd. atjaunots: 23.07.2024 03:20 (GMT+3)

JSC Pirmā banka general meeting of shareholders will be convened on March 21, 2002

19.02.2002, DNB Banka, RIG

JSC "Pirmā banka" general meeting of shareholders will be convened on
March 21, 2002, at 10:30, at the Bank premises 6 Smilšu Street, Riga,
5th Floor, R530. Agenda:
1. Review and approval of the Annual Report for 2001.
2. Discharging of Management Board members for their responsibility for
Bank operations in 2001.
3. Distribution of 2001 profits.
4. Amendments to the Charter.
5. Elections of Supervisory Board members.
6. Review and approval of the budget and business plan for 2002.
7. Elections of the Bank auditor for 2020.
8. Other business.
Shareholder registration will take place on the day of the meeting from
9:30 till 10:30 at the venue of the meeting. The shareholders who have
deregistered their shares have to provide a personal identification
document and a receipt from the custodian certifying share blocking.
The shareholders who have not deregistered their shares have to produce
a personal identification document. Proxy voting is possible upon
producing duly issued proxies. Shares have to be blocked on the
accounts by the end of business day of March 11, 2002.
Information on the agenda items is available to the public at JSC
"Pirmā banka" premises 6 Smilšu Street, Riga, from 14.03.2002 till
20.03.2002 on business days between 10:00 and 16:00, and upon
registration at the meeting day. Moves and recommendations for agenda
items are welcome by JSC "Pirmā banka" Management Board till the
opening of the meeting.
JSC "Pirmā banka" Management Board


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