Pēd. atjaunots: 29.11.2024 10:23 (GMT+2)
Eesti Telekom NEWS RELEASE 10/07/2004
Change in the Supervisory Boards of Elion and EMT
On October 6 2004, the Extraordinary General Meetings of the shareholders
of Elion Enterprises AS and AS EMT (both companies 100% owned by AS Eesti
Telekom) called back Krister Björkqvist from the Supervisory Boards of the
abovementioned companies. Hille Võrk was elected as a new member of the
Supervisory Boards.
Mr. Björkqvist who is a Finnish citizen, will after 5 years as CFO of AS
Eesti Telekom return to Finland to take up a position in the TeliaSonera Group.
The AS Eesti Telekom Council appointed Ms. Hille Võrk as new CFO and member
of the Management Board as of 9 October 2004.
Hille Võrk
Financial Manager
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