Pēd. atjaunots: 20.07.2024 13:07 (GMT+3)

VNF: A modern and powerful railway rack will start its operation on Ventspils nafta

30.11.2004, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                              30.11.2004.

A modern and powerful railway rack for receipt of oil and oil products
will start its operation on JSC Ventspils nafta

This week, on the 2nd December, the subsidiary company of JSC Ventspils
nafta – LLC Ventspils nafta termināls - will start the operation of the
new railway rack for receipt of oil and oil products. The new railway
rack in the territory of LLC Ventspils nafta termināls will be already
the fourth, allowing the terminal to use its capacities in full amount,
to extend the range of the transhipped products and to avoid idle standing
due to increase of railway cargoes.

The new railway rack corresponds to the most sophisticated technologies
and in comparison to the other railway racks, where only oil or oil
products can be unloaded, this railway rack is foreseen not only for one
product but for two products – depending on the concrete market demand,
it will be possible to unload at the railway rack either oil or oil
products. The capacity of the railway rack is 4.5 mln tons of crude oil
or 5.5 mln tons of gas oil per year.

The length of the new railway rack of LLC Ventspils nafta termināls is
402 metres and unloading of 66 railcars will be possible at the same time
at the railway rack. Five heating units have been constructed along the
railway rack for heating of oil during unloading, as well as a pumping
station for unloading of gas oil, a vacuum pumping station, an electricity
transfer box, a new valve operation unit, railway subway
for railway crossing Jūras parks, and reconstructed the fire-fighting foam
pumping station and construction of other technological equipment necessary
for operation of the railway rack has been done.

The total construction costs of the railway rack amount to 12.9 mln lats.
According to the results of the tender announced in 2003, the designing of
the technical project and its implementation was carried out by JSC Venceb.

From now on in the territory of LLC Ventspils nafta termināls there shall
be four railway racks in operation furthering optimal operation of the
terminal. Two of them are meant for receipt of oil products, one – for
oil and the new one - for either oil or oil products.

Flexibly reacting on changes in cargo structure and taking an operative
decision on adaptation of the business for transhipment of a maximally
large amount of railway cargo, the terminal of JSC Ventspils nafta at
the end of 2002 after more than 20 years of disruption restarted receipt
and transhipment of oil by railway. The high technological development
level of the terminal, which has been ensured by purposefully implemented
modernisation programme over the previous years, enabled the company to
adapt one of its railway racks for receipt of oil, which until that moment
has been used for unloading of oil products.


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