Pēd. atjaunots: 20.07.2024 11:14 (GMT+3)

BLT: Resolutions of extraordinary meeting of shareholders of AS Baltika

07.12.2004, Baltika, TLN
Baltika                      ANNOUNCEMENT                       07.12.2004

Resolutions of extraordinary meeting of shareholders of AS Baltika

The extraordinary meeting of shareholders of AS Baltika adopted the following

1. DECISION under item 1 on the Agenda

Amendments to the Articles of Association

1. To change the Articles of Association of AS BALTIKA as follows:

1.1. to change the first sentence in article 6.3.2. and to consider that the
number of the members of the Supervisory Council is from three to five
(voting results: in favour: 98.8%, against: 0.17%, undecided: 1.03% of
registered votes).

1.2. to change article 6.4.2. and to consider that the number of the members of
the Board of Directors is from three to seven members, who shall be elected
by the Supervisory Council with the term of three (3) years;
(voting results: in favour: 98.8%, against: 1.2% of registered votes)

1.3. to approve the new text of the Articles of Association and to incorporate
changes to the clauses 5.5., 6.2.3.(3), 1.3., 6.2.4.,6.4.7 and 6.2.11. due
to the changes in the law.

(voting results: in favour: 100% of registered votes).

2. DECISION under item 2 on the Agenda

Determination of the number the members of the Supervisory Council and the
election of the new member of the Supervisory Council

2.1. To elect the Supervisory Council of AS BALTIKA with four (4) members.

2. To elect the fourth member of the Supervisory Council to be CLAIRE CHABRIER.

Claire Chabrier is the director of SG AM Private Equity, she does not hold
shares of Baltika.

(voting results: in favour: 98.71%, undecided: 1.29% of registered votes).

3. DECISION under item 3 on the Agenda
Remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Council

3. To adopt starting from 01 December 2004 the fee payable to the members of
the Supervisory Council in the following amounts:

3.1. to the Chairman of the Supervisory Council -ten thousand (10 000) kroons
per month;
3.2. to the member of the Supervisory Council -six thousand (6 000) kroons
per month.

(voting results: in favour: 98.67%, against: 1.26%, undecided: 0.07% of
registered votes).

4. DECISION under item 4 of the Agenda

Issuance of the convertible bonds

4.1. To issue two hundred thousand (200 000) convertible bonds D on the terms and
conditions as enclosed to this decision.

D-bonds will be issued at the latest on 30 December 2004 under the following
The D-Bond Holders are entitled to exchange the Bonds to the shares of Baltika
from 1 July 2006 until 30 September 2006, whereby the share subscription price is
28.95 kroons, which equals to the trade volume weighted average price of AS
Baltika on the Tallinn Stock Exchange during the preceding day of trading.
D-Bonds can be exchanged to the shares of Baltika on condition that the market
value of the share of AS Baltika cannot be less than 45.00 kroons

4.2. The shareholders exclude their pre-emptive right to the subscription of
convertible bonds and to the subscription of shares if the convertible bonds
are to be exchanged to the shares.

4.3. The Board of Directors shall issue the shares and shall exchange the
convertible bonds to the shares and shall decide thereon on the increase of
the share capital by the maximum of two million (2 000 000) kroons.

(voting results: in favour: 98.41%, against: 1.2% of registered votes).

3,575,616 votes were registered for the general meeting, representing 63.99% of
the total number of votes attached to the shares (the total number of votes is



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