Pēd. atjaunots: 20.07.2024 09:07 (GMT+3)

HNF: Amendments Made to Prospectus and Management By-laws of Naudas Tirgus Fonds

07.01.2005, Hansa Fondi, RIG
Hansa fondi                                                   07.01.2005.

Amendments Made to Prospectus and Management By-laws of Naudas Tirgus Fonds.

The investment management company Hansa Fondi has modified the Prospectus and
Management By-laws of Naudas Tirgus Fonds managed by it, and also approved the
simplified prospectus of the fund. The documents had modifications of technical
character made, which were necessary in order for them to comply with the new
wording of the Investment Management Companies Law. Amendments have been
registered with the Finance and Capital Market Commission and the changes will
be effective as of 10 January 2005. These changes have no impact on investment
portfolio of the fund and the fund’s investors.
The documents of the fund are available on Hansa Fondi website <a href='http://www.hansafondi.lv.' target='_blank'>http://www.hansafondi.lv.</a>
Also monthly reports of the fund are available there.
The objective of the open-end investment fund Naudas Tirgus Fonds is to attain
a permanent and steady capital value growth. The Fund’s principal source of income
is interest income from investments in debt securities. The fund befits, first and
foremost, the investors, who have free monetary resources in Latvian lats for an
indefinite period of time, for short-term placing of these resources in lats.
The Fund investors may be both private individuals and corporate entities.
Naudas Tirgus Fonds has been active for over 5 years and its assets as at the
end of 2004 amounted to 12.3 m LVL, and it yielded – 3.01% per annum.

Established on 16 April 1997, Hansa Fondi, a subsidiary of Hansabanka, is an
investment management company that can boast of the longest background in this
field in Latvia. The total assets managed by Hansa Fondi amount to 32 million lats.
Hansa Fondi is the manager of Hansa Pension 2nd and 3rd tier pension plans Dinamika
and Stabilitate, as well as of investment funds Naudas Tirgus Fonds (Money Market
Fund) and Hansa Austrumeiropas Obligaciju Fonds (Hansa Eastern European Bond Fund).


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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