Pēd. atjaunots: 20.07.2024 09:10 (GMT+3)

VNF: On the visit of the Minister of Economics K.Kariņš in a/s Ventspils nafta

07.01.2005, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                        07.01.2005.

On the visit of the Minister of Economics K.Kariņš

Yesterday, on 6 January 2005, with a previously announced goal of acquainting
with the management of the holding company a/s “Ventspils nafta”, which is
partially owned by the state of Latvia (38,6% of the public issue shares belong
to the state a/s “Latvijas Privatizācijas Aģentūra”), a/s “Ventspils nafta” and
its 100% subsidiary company SIA “Ventspils nafta” termināls” were visited by
recently appointed Minister of Economics Krišjānis Kariņš. There are four
Council members of a/s “Ventspils nafta” nominated by a/s “Latvijas
Privatizācijas aģentūra” – Mārtiņš Jansons, Romāns Mežeckis, Voldemārs Strīķis,
Eižens Cepurnieks, who are in the mentioned positions since August 2003,
when the Prime Minister was Einārs Repše, the head of
the party Jaunais laiks, whose member is also Krišjānis Kariņš.

A/s “Ventspils nafta” as a public stock company, according to
law and practice ensuring equal rights of shareholders irrespective
of the fact whether the shareholder is a private investor or a
state institution looked at the visit of K.Kariņš as a desire
of one shareholder to acquaint better with operation of the company.
During the meeting the management of a/s “Ventspils nafta” did not
discuss issues, which had not been supplied to all shareholders
according to the regulations of information forwarding with the
assistance of the Riga Stock Exchange.

The meeting of the chairman of the Council of a/s “Ventspils nafta”
Mamerts Vaivads, deputy chairman of the Council of a/s “Ventspils nafta”
Vladimirs Solomatins, chairperson of the Board of a/s “Ventspils nafta” Olga
Pētersone and K.Kariņš was business-like and constructive. K.Kariņš was
acquainted with the structure of the holding company a/s “Ventspils nafta”,
situation in the transit companies of the corporation and informed on
allready announced profit prognoses of a/s “Ventspils nafta” for 2004 and 2005.

K.Kariņš positively evaluated the contribution made by a/s “Ventspils nafta”,
by implementing the risk diversification programme in order to reduce depending
of the financial indices from the politically economic risks that are
connected with the direct link of a/s “Ventspils nafta” transit industry
companies with the developments in one state – the Russian Federation.
K.Kariņš especially assessed investments of a/s “Ventspils nafta”
in real estate.

K.Kariņš underlined as well that without the risk diversification
the Russian economically ungrounded closing of oil pipeline in Ventspils
direction would have generated more serious consequences for business of
a/s “Ventspils nafta” corporation. “State understands that there are very
valuable assets in “Ventspils nafta” despite some of them are not very profit
making at the moment,” said K.Kariņš.

The chairperson of the Board of a/s “Ventspils nafta”, informing on the
results of the risk distribution policy, reminded that in comparison with
2003 when oil flow through pipeline has been terminated, a/s “Ventspils
nafta” corporation will end the years 2004 and 2005 with profit.

K.Kariņš expressed understanding of the management of a/s “Ventspils nafta”
to develop entrepreneurship underlying on his part the interests of the state
in this concrete company, at the same time emphasizing repeatedly that the
state should not do business. K.Kariņš expressed opinion that the state
and the private shareholders of a/s “Ventspils nafta” have common interests
and that it would be efficient for all shareholders to agree on a solution
beneficial for all parties. This view was also met by M.Vaivads
and V.Solomatins, who represent in the Council of a/s “Ventspils nafta” the
largest shareholder – a/s “Latvijas naftas tranzīts” (42,3% of the shares
of a/s “Ventspils nafta”).

M.Vaivads as well as V.Solomatins emphasized that renewal
of oil flow by pipeline in Ventspils direction is necessary for increase of
total value of a/s “Ventspils nafta” corporation and separate transit
companies – SIA “Ventspils nafta” termināls” and SIA “LatRosTrans”.

Repeating the already expressed view M.Vaivads indicated that for realization
of this goal there is a need to attract a strategic investor, who would have
resources and possibilities to renew oil flow by pipeline. Although, sale of
shares is not a goal in itself – at first there should be a complete guarantee
that oil transit is renewed and only then there could be an agreement with
all interested parties – state and private shareholders of the owner of
SIA “Ventspils nafta” termināls” - a/s “Ventspils nafta” – and the potential
strategic partner – on expedient model of the possible deal. “However, serious
offers in this respect we have not received until now,” said M.Vaivads.

K.Kariņš visited the subsidiary company of a/s “Ventspils nafta” – the most
up-to-date oil and oil products transhipment terminal in the Baltics – SIA
“Ventspils nafta” termināls”. Its territory totals in 90 hectares and there
is the largest oil and oil products storage tank park in the Baltic states with
the total storage capacity of 1.2 mln cubic meters, as well as four railway
racks for receipt of oil and oil products. More than 200 mln. USD have been
invested in modernisation of the terminal since privatisation in 1998.

Despite termination of oil flow by pipeline in Ventspils
direction, SIA “Ventspils nafta” termināls” works actively with railway cargoes
significantly increasing product amounts in comparison with
the time when the terminal transhipped also oil received by pipeline.
Offering new services, SIA “Ventspils nafta” termināls” tranships oil
of two different types, gas oil and gasoline of three types.

JSC Ventspils nafta
For information –
Gundega Vārpa,
Telephone 7229793;
e-mail: gundega.varpa@vnafta.lvrpa,
Telephone 7229793;
e-mail: gundega.varpa@vnafta.lv


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