Pēd. atjaunots: 27.11.2024 20:37 (GMT+2)
Commentary for financial results of IV quarter, 2004
(In thousands) EEK €
31.12. 31.12. 31.12. 31.12.
2004 2003 2004 2003
Cash and bank balances 36,461 22,023 2,330 1,408
Trade receivables (Note 2) 43,319 35,308 2,768 2,256
Other receivables and 6,766 5,282 432 337
prepayments (Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 109,674 113,652 7,009 7,264
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 196,220 176,265 12,539 11,265
Non-current assets
Long-term financial 11,029 12,705 707 813
investments (Note 5)
Property, plant and 239,295 245,843 15,293 15,712
equipment (Note 6)
Intangible assets (Note 7) 596 719 38 46
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 250,920 259,267 16,038 16,571
TOTAL ASSETS 447,140 435,532 28,577 27,836
Current liabilities
Debt obligations (Note 8) 140 907 9 58
Trade payables 16,266 12,226 1,039 782
Other payables (Note 13) 471 4,600 30 294
Tax liabilities (Note 9) 23,314 15,809 1,490 1,010
Payables to employees 3,095 4,288 198 274
Other accrued expenses 3,078 1,599 196 102
Provisions (Note 10) 24,636 29,582 1,575 1,891
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 71,000 69,011 4,537 4,411
Non-current liabilities
Finance lease liabilities 419 27
(Note 8)
Equity (Note 11)
Share capital 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113
Compulsory capital reserve 8,000 8,000 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817
Retained earnings 194,032 179,262 12,401 11,457
Profit for the period 50,038 54,770 3,198 3,500
TOTAL EQUITY 376,140 366,102 24,040 23,398
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 447,140 435,532 28,577 27,836
(In thousands) EEK €
Q4 Q4 Q4 Q4
2004 2003 2004 2003
Sales revenue 114,838 93,339 7,339 5,966
Other revenue 151 340 11 22
Total revenue 114,989 93,679 7,350 5,988
Change in work in progress 1,476 7,201 94 461
and finished goods
Materials, consumables and 52,343 37,495 3,345 2,396
Other operating expenses 28,696 20,890 1,835 1,335
Personnel expenses 13,844 13,986 885 894
Depreciation and 12,276 11,886 785 760
amortisation charges
Other expenses 962 831 61 54
Total expenses 109,597 92,289 7,005 5,900
OPERATING PROFIT 5,392 1,390 345 88
Financial income and 168 121 10 8
Q4 NET PROFIT 5,560 1,511 355 96
Basic earnings per share 0.70 0.19 0.04 0.01
Diluted earnings per share 0.70 0.19 0.04 0.01
Review of operations and performance
In Q4 2004 beverage sales by Saku Õlletehase AS totalled
15.5 litres, 3.3m litres or 27% up on the same period in
2003. Revenues amounted to EEK 115.0m (€7.4m), an EEK
21.3m (€1.4m) or 22.7% increase on a year ago. The growth
in sales resulted largely from enhanced sales of beer and
other alcoholic beverages.
According to Estonian Breweries Association, at the end of
Q4 the accumulated market share of Saku Õlletehase AS was
41.6%. The Estonian beer market grew 16% compared to the
same period in 2003. The main growth driver was beer in
PET whose market share increased significantly. Growth was
also facilitated by an increase in purchases by Finnish
tourists after Estonia’s accession to the EU.
Saku Õlletehase AS’ Q4 market share was 42.2% against
41.4% in 2003. Market share improved primarily on account
of shrinkage in the share of imports (2004: 4.3%; 2003:
7.5%), and expansion in the premium segment prompted by
successful sales of beer brands Carlsberg and Saku Valge.
Expenses totalled EEK 109.6m (€7.0m), EEK 17.3m (€1.1m) or
18.8% up on Q4 2003. The largest growth occurred in the
cost of materials, consumables and supplies, mostly due to
an increase in sales of products in one-way packaging. In
addition, the growth in operating volumes triggered an
increase in transport expenses.
Saku Õlletehase AS ended Q4 with operating profit of EEK
5.4m (€0.3m), an EEK 4.0m (€257,000) improvement on a year
ago. Net profit for the period amounted to EEK 5.6m
(€0.4m) against the EEK 1.5m (€0.1m) earned in Q4 2003.
FINANCIAL RATIOS January - January -
December December
2004 2003
Operating margin (operating profit / 12.1% 13.7%
total revenue)
Net margin (net profit / total 9.4% 11.8%
Return on assets (net profit / 11.3% 12.6%
average total assets)
Return on equity (net profit / 13.5% 15.3%
average equity)
Fixed asset turnover ratio (total 2.1 1.7
revenue / average fixed assets)
Total assets turnover ratio (total 1.2 1.1
revenue / average total assets)
Kristina Seimann
Communication Manager
+372 6508 303
+372 6508 303