Pēd. atjaunots: 19.07.2024 23:14 (GMT+3)

DPK: Message of Council and Board of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain factory”

07.03.2005, Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca, RIG
Ditton pievadkezu rupnica                                          07.03.2005.

Message of Council and Board of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain factory”

Considering the provisions of Law of Market of Financial instruments, Clause 87,
Council and Board of the Company informs herewith officially the participants of
capital market, depositors, potential investors of the company and Latvian society
in general about the stay of proceedings between shareholders of company concerning
the claim for buy-back of shares.
Council and Board of the Company note with pleasure that shareholders, who
participated in the proceedings, have waived their claims, including claim for buy-back
of the shares und mutual compensation of damage. The participants found the ongoing of
proceedings prospectless and concluded the agreement of lawsuit having regard of law
aspects and economic interests.
On 18 February 2005 the judge of Riga district court approved the agreement of lawsuit,
on 1st March 2005 the judicial decision came into legal force.
All 100 percent of shares of the company are subject to unblocking. It will enable all
shareholders to take part in administration of their property. Thereby there will be
no obstacles for convening and holding the shareholders’ meetings.
Herewith all inner disagreements between shareholders are fixed up what will enable the
company to develop according to plan and have reliable business reputation.
Simultaneously, we would like to advise you that SIA “Berg Invest Holding”, reg.
No.41503035344, has informed us by the Law of Market of Financial Instruments about
the purchasing the block of shares that ensures 11,49 percent of votes.

On behalf of Council
Chairman of Council
On behalf of Board
Deputy Chairman of Board


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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