Pēd. atjaunots: 19.07.2024 20:59 (GMT+3)

BAB: Results of Komercbanka Baltikums and its subsidiaries in 2004

15.03.2005, Akciju komercbanka Baltikums, RIG
Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums”                            15.03.2005.

BAB: Results of Komercbanka Baltikums and its subsidiaries in 2004

In 2004 Komercbanka Baltikums and its subsidiaries earned a pre-tax profit of
LVL 477 thousand (EUR 678 thousand). Komercbanka Baltikums’s audited net profit
amounted to LVL 436 thousand at the end of 2004 and that is by 42% better result
compared to 2003.

In comparison to the previous year, Komercbanka Baltikums has also improved the
return on equity, achieved an increase in customers’ deposits, as well as significantly
expanded its customer base.

The equity of the bank amounted to LVL 5.601 million (up by 2,5% or LVL 136 thousand LVL)
by the end of December 2004. Deposits attracted amounted to LVL 18.156 million by the end
of December 2004. The bank has increased its deposits in 1.5 times within the past year
(up by 48% or LVL 5.865 million).

Assets of Komercbanka Baltikums augmented from LVL 30.576 million in the beginning of 2004
to LVL 38.198 million (up by 25% or LVL 7.622 million) at the end of 2004. The loan
portfolio of the bank has reached LVL 10.220 million for the same period.

Aldis Reims, Chairman of the Board: “The year 2004 for the Bank was the year when,
after the successful launching of operations and achievement of the first goals set
forth, major steps in further development of the Bank in its chosen strategic direction
were taken. The Bank more precisely defined and upgraded its operating strategy, by
clearly underlining its focus on trade and shipping finance, as well as active
involvement in financial market operations and management of customer funds.

The Bank also paid much attention to ensuring the stability of its operations by
further developing the process of risk management and maintaining a conservative
approach to business which are the cornerstone of our operations.

The most important goal of the Bank for 2005 is the strengthening of its market
position in the chosen areas of trade and shipping finance. In order to better
satisfy customer needs in trade and ship financing, we have started co-operation
with a number of Latvian banks in syndicated loans and this area of operations
will be developed further.

We will also continue the successfully started program of attracting long-term
funding. Over the next 3 to 5 years, the Bank plans to use public issue of debt
securities, long-term inter-bank loans and its own capital as the main sources
of funding. In 2005 the Bank will expand investment services and services of
management of customer funds as well as will further develop the area of private
servicing of customers.”

Chairman of the Board

Komercbanka Baltikums audited annual report for year 2004 published on Riga
Stock Exchange web page: <a href='http://www.omxgroup.com/riga' target='_blank'>http://www.omxgroup.com/riga</a>
(trading information / Baltic Bond list / BABBFLOT06 / reports).

Link : <a href='http://market.rfb.lv/upload/reports/bab/2004_ar_en_lvl.pdf' target='_blank'>http://market.rfb.lv/upload/reports/bab/2004_ar_en_lvl.pdf</a>


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