Pēd. atjaunots: 19.07.2024 19:01 (GMT+3)

OLF: Chairman of the Ukrainian parliament V.E. Volodimirs Litvins visited JSC „Olainfarm”

30.03.2005, Olainfarm, RIG
Olainfarm                                                      30.03.2005. 

Chairman of the Ukrainian parliament V.E. Volodimirs Litvins visited JSC „Olainfarm”

On March 30th, 2005, between 9.00 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. a Chairman of the Ukrainian
parliament V.E. Volodimirs Litvins with his delegation paid a visit to Latvian
medication manufacturer JSC „Olainfarm”. A visit to JSC „Olainfarm” took place in
the framework of V.Litvin’s official visit to Latvia and this was the only representative
of Latvian manufacturers, towards which Ukrainian state leaders expressed interest
in visiting.

Taras Havriluk, the Leader of the Commercial and economic mission of Ukrainian embassy
in Latvia:

The decision has been taken to visit exactly Joint Stock Company „Olainfarm”, because
the company has close and fruitful connection to Ukraine.

Firstly, medications of JSC „Olainfarm” are popular among Ukrainian consumers and
acknowledged among doctors and pharmacists. The company has strong positions at Ukrainian
market of pharmaceutical products and it holds one of the leading places among foreign

Secondly, JSC „Olainfarm” is actively supporting Ukrainian cultural and social events
in Ukraine as well as in Latvia:
* takes part in Ukrainian state anti-tuberculosis program by supplying preparations to
the hospitals;
* provides humanitarian aid by offering necessary medications (for example, in March of
2001 the company helped victims of floods in western Ukraine);
* in September of year 2004 JSC „Olainfarm” participated in celebrations of 13th
anniversary of Ukrainian Independence in Latvia by supporting organization of Ukrainian
artists’ Oleg Pinchuk and Sergej Pojarkov exhibition in Riga.

Thirdly, JSC „Olainfarm” is working with the newest manufacturing equipment. The company
is certified in accordance with European Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), USA inspection
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and ISO 14001:1996 requirements which is promoting
maintenance of the image of the positive Latvian manufacturer in Latvian – Ukrainian mutual
economic relationships.

Tatjana Lukina, Member of JSC „Olainfarm” Council:

Ukraine is one of most important sales markets of JSC „Olainfarm” products. This country
for many years now is taking persistent third place from the overall sales amounts of
the company. Sales growth of JSC „Olainfarm” products on Ukrainian market makes around
30% a year.

For the sixth year now a function of representative of JSC „Olainfarm” in Ukraine is
performed by company „Olfa”. Approximately 70 medicinal representatives are occupied with
promotion of JSC „Olainfarm” medications on the territory of whole Ukraine: in Kiev,
Dnipropetrovs’k, Doneck, Odessa, Vinnic, Lvov, Krim etc. JSC „Olainfarm” is cooperating
with Ukrainian scientists in development of new preparations. For example, this year the
promotion in Ukraine has been initiated for new medication „Olatropil” which is the joint
development of Ukrainian academic Gromov and JSC „Olainfarm”.

During coming years JSC „Olainfarm” is planning:
* to expand assortment of products for Ukrainian market and start sale of medications
already well known in Latvia such as „Gripofleks”, ‘Furasol”, „Rimavir” children’s
formulation for „Remantadin” and many more.
* to participate in state oncological program with anti-cancer product „Ciklofosfan”.

Today we really are pleased and honored to welcome Ukrainian parliament delegation and
its Chairman V.E. Volodimir Litvin at our manufacturing plant. And I am hoping that visit
of Mr. Litvin shall even more add to trust to JSC „Olainfarm” products at Ukrainian market.


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