Pēd. atjaunots: 08.07.2024 22:09 (GMT+3)

RRA: JSC ”Rigas Raugs” council report to the meeting of shareholders

07.04.2005, Rīgas raugs, RIG
Rigas Raugs					            07.04.2005. 

JSC ”Rigas Raugs”council report to the meeting of shareholders

1. Activities and financial condition of the company in 2004

The company prepared a new strategy to meet the challenges of the access of
the Baltic countries into the EU. New sales opportunities were exploited in
export. Activities on the domestic market were improved.

To secure increased sales both in quality and in volume, a program of
establishing development projects was initiated and plans for projects prepared.
Realization of the projects will be mainly in year 2005.

Investments in year 2004 were mainly in maintenance of the buildings and equipment
and accounted for LVL 50.891.

The total sales was 3781 tons compared with 2957 tons in previous year. Domestic
sales was on the same level as in 2003, export to Estonia was 204 % better, to
Lithuania 24 % less and to Russia (Kaliningrad) 41 % better than in year 2003.
Export to Czech Republic started in 2004 and continues on increasing monthly
volumes. The total turnover amounted to LVL 1.354.045, increase of 32 % compared
with the previous year.

The profit of the financial year was LVL 53.392, including the profit of the
daughter company Nordic Yeast Eesti, LVL 9765.

The volume and the profitability of the company developed in accordance with the
plans and budget. The company´ s financial situation is good and stable.

2. Work of the Board of Directors and the Council

The annual shareholders´ meeting, held on 22.4.2004, approved the new Articles of
Association of the company. Consequently the annual shareholders´ s meeting elected
new members of the Board of Directors and new members of the Council. The new Board
of Directors consists of persons in the management of the Company.

The Board of Directors has concentrated in its work on sales and marketing issues
and on preparing the development projects. The Board of Directors had 8 meetings
in 2004. The work of the Board of Directors in the new constellation has been
according to the expectations.

The new Council has concentrated on strategic issues. An important task of the
Council was search for and appointment of the new Managing Director of the
Company. The Council has applied a mentoring role in relation to the management.
The Council has monitored the business of the company in accordance with law, the
articles of association and the decisions of the shareholders´ meetings. The Council
had 7 meetings in 2004.

The means to monitor the financial situation of the company has been monthly budget
and other financial reports and related matters on the agenda of the Council meetings.

The Council recommends to the shareholders´ meeting that the annual accounts will
be approved and the meeting decides to pay dividends as proposed by the Board of
Directors, LVL 0,03 per share, in total LVL 23.190 and to reserve LVL 388.287 as
retained earnings.

The Council has got acquainted with the plans and budget for 2005 and recommends
to the shareholders´ meeting that the plans and budget will be approved.

Chairman of the Council
Juha Ylä-Anttila

Deputy Chairman of the Council
Per Vidar Bredesen

Member of the Council
Johan Bohman

Member of the Council
Arne Bernt Dahle

Member of the Council
Pentti Heinonen

Member of the Council
Pertti Heiskanen


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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