Pēd. atjaunots: 08.07.2024 08:07 (GMT+3)


22.04.2005, Harju Elekter Group, TLN
AS HARJU ELEKTER                   ANNOUNCEMENT             2005-04-22


Today, on 22nd of April 2005 starting at 10 a.m., the annual general
meeting of the shareholders of AS Harju Elekter was held at Keskväljak
12, Keila. The AGM was attended by 108 shareholders and their authorised
representatives who represented the total of 3,145,846 votes accounting
for 56.18 % of the total votes.

The agenda of the general meeting was as follows:
1. approval of the annual report of AS Harju Elekter of 2004;
2. approval of the distribution of profits;
3. the fund issue

1. Approve to AS Harju Elekter annual report of the year 2004.

The general meeting resolved:
To approve the annual report of AS Harju Elekter of 2004, prepared by
the management board and approved by the supervisory board, according to
which the consolidated balance sheet total of AS Harju Elekter was
640,593 thousand kroons as of 31.12.2004, incl. the balance sheet total
of 592,567 thousand kroons of the parent undertaking, while the net
profit of the financial year was 145,365 thousand kroons.

The number of the votes given in favour of the resolution was 3,103,775
which accounted for 98.66 % of the registered participants.

2. Approval of the distribution of profits

The general meeting resolved:
To approve the profit distribution proposal of AS Harju Elekter of 2004
as presented by the management board and as approved by the supervisory
board as follows:

retained profit from previous periods on 31.12.2004 305 012 208 kroons
net profit of the financial year 145 365 219 kroons
total retained profit 450 377 427 kroons
to be distributed as dividends 4,40 kroons per share* 24 640 000 kroons
balance of the retained profits after the
distribution of profit 425 737 427 kroons

The dividends will be paid to the shareholders on 23 May 2005 by a
transfer to the bank account of the shareholder.
* the shareholders registered in the shareholders’ registry
on 9 May 2005 at 8 am shall be entitled to dividend.

The number of the votes given in favour of the resolution was 3,108,965
which accounted for 98.83 % of the registered participants.

3. The fund issue

The general meeting resolved:
On the basis of Harju Elekter’s audited annual accounts of 2004 balance
sheet as of 31.12.2004 to increase the Company’s share capital by means
of fund issue on owners’ equity as following:

3.1 to increase the Company’s share capital in the amount of 112 million
kroons from present 56 million kroons to 168 million kroons, by issuing
2 new ordinary shares, totally 11,200 thousand new shares with a nominal
value of 10 kroons and every share gives one voice. After increase the
share capital the total number of Harju Elekter shares is 16,800
thousand and the share capital is 168 million kroons.

3.2 the shareholders registered in the shareholders’ registry on 9 May
2005 at 8 am shall be entitled to fund issue.

3.3 the newly issued shares will be moved to the shareholders accounts
during the same day, on 09.05.2005.

3.4 The new shares shall carry applicable shareholder rights as of the
financial year which begins on 01 January 2005

The number of the votes given in favour of the resolution was 3,107,582
which accounted for 98.78 % of the registered participants.

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
+372 6747 400


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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