Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 16:09 (GMT+3)

GRD: Extra information on the purchase of shares of JSC Kalceks

09.05.2005, Grindeks, RIG
Grindeks                                          09.05.2005.

Extra information on the purchase of shares of JSC Kalceks

On April 30, this year, JSC Grindeks purchased 1 198 611 shares of
JSC Kalceks, obtaining 97,4% of the total stock capital of JSC Kalceks.
The terms and conditions of this transaction can be found in the
audited 2004 Financial Statements of JSC Grindeks ( has been submitted to
RSE (Riga Stock Exchange) on April 20, this year, see Appendices NO 5).
Grindeks purchased shares of the JSC Kalceks from its shareowner Kirovs
Lipmans, who stands also as the Chairman of the Council of JSC Grindeks and
is listed as one of the holders of the insaider information of JSC Grindeks.
The JSC Kalceks turnover in 2004 comprised 557 376 Ls which comparing to
the turnover of 2003 (being 769 979 Ls) sees the decrease by 30%. Since
Kalceks do not possess Certificate of Good Manufacture Practice, the company
disrupted its production activities with the moment of Latvia entering in
the EU on May 1, 2004, this being the reason of the rapid decrease of turnover.
Writing off the fixed assets and losses emerging from the disruption in
production brought to the economic activities losses in amount of 669 999 Ls
of Kalceks in 2004. Comparing to 2003 the company’s profit made 1535 Ls.
In 2004 it has been a hard work contributed to let the JSC Kalceks successfully
resume its economic activities and to continue recommencing the production.
The turnover of JSC Kalceks planned for year 2005 is 498 948 Ls, for its part
the prognosis for the profit makes 29 188 Ls.
The progress of the company’s future is related to a more extensive
diversification and a deeper specialization in the framework of the
pharmaceutical holding company of Grindeks. The injections was
acknowledged as a more profitable form of production of Kalceks in enterprises
of our co-operation partners.
Presently the production of Kalceks injections has already been commenced
in the Lithuanian company Sanitas.

Information prepared by:
Jānis Romanovskis,
Finance and Administrative director
JSC Grindeks
Tel: 7083250, 9226767


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