Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 14:05 (GMT+3)

VNF: JSC Ventspils Nafta Gained Profit of 0.6 Million Lats in the 1Q – Three Times More Than Pre-pla

12.05.2005, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                                   12.05.2005.

JSC Ventspils Nafta Gained Profit of 0.6 Million Lats in the 1Q –
Three Times More Than Pre-planned

Profit after tax gained by the holding of the joint stock company Ventspils
Nafta in the first quarter of 2005 reached 0.6 million Lats, however, its net
turnover is 21.5 million Lats. Such are financial activity results of Ventspils
Nafta, JSC for the first three months of 2005 that today, May 12th, 2005, have
been examined and accepted by the Supervisory Board of Ventspils Nafta.

Net profit of Ventspils Nafta over the first three months of the current year is
three times bigger than it was preliminary planned by the budget; and which also
substantially increased – almost eighteen times – when compared with the first
quarter of 2004. Unlike the same period of 2004, the net turnover of Ventspils
Nafta in the first quarter of 2005, in its turn, increased by 51%.

Olga Pētersone, Chairperson of Ventspils Nafta’s Board, emphasizes that the results
as above confirm that the daughter companies of Ventspils Nafta holding operated
successfully in the first quarter of 2005. “I am satisfied with the Company’s
business in the first quarter of the year and would like to express my thanks to
all employees of the holding for their steady and responsible attitude towards
their work. The correct planning as well as the energetic implementation of the
preliminary plan is sooner or later reflected in the Company’s financial results”,
says O.Pētersone.

The Financial Report of the Company for the first quarter of 2005 as examined by
the supervisory board of Ventspils Nafta does not contain any investment
revaluation of the associated company – Latvian Shipping Company, as for the time
being Latvian Shipping Company which shares are officially listed on Rīga Stock
Exchange, has not yet examined its financial report for the first three months
of 2005, nor informed Rīga Stock Exchange according to all respective procedures
required by the monitoring of securities market. The revaluation of the investment
into the Latvian Shipping Company is required, taking into account the investment’s
re-classification – at the beginning this investment of Ventspils Nafta was shown
in the financial reports of the Latvian Shipping Company as short-term investment
into the capital of the company, however, now in accordance with the real situation
it is shown as long-term investment. Once the financial report of the Latvian
Shipping Company for the first quarter of 2005 is published, Ventspils Nafta will
be informing about the results of financial activities of the holding in the first
quarter, including also the investment revaluation of the joint stock company
Latvian Shipping Company.

Ventspils nafta, JSC
For detailed information please contact –
Gundega Vārpa,
tel. 7229793;
e-mail: gundega.varpa@vnafta.lv


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