Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 12:10 (GMT+3)

GRD: Terms of Share Capital Increase of AS Grindeks (draft)

16.05.2005, Grindeks, RIG
Grindeks                                                16.05.2005.

Terms of Share Capital Increase of AS Grindeks (draft)
(hereinafter the "Terms")


1.1. The purpose of issue of new shares is to increase the share
capital of the joint stock company Grindeks (hereafter the "Company")
in order to enhance the development and competitiveness of the Company
from the proceeds received from the said issue of shares.


2.1. The existing share capital of the Company on the date of approval
of the Terms is LVL 7'735'000 (seven million seven hundred thirty five
thousand lats).

2.2. The share capital of the Company consists of 7'735'000 (seven million
seven hundred thirty five thousand) dematerialized presenter shares with
the par value of LVL 1.00 (one lat) per share. All 7'735'000 (seven million
seven hundred thirty five thousand) shares are of single type and category
without preferences, and having unrestricted voting rights.

2.3. The existing share capital of the Company is fully paid up.


3.1. The share capital shall be increased by the issuance of single
category 1'850'000 (one million eight hundred fifty thousand) dematerialized
presenter shares with unrestricted voting rights, having the par value of
LVL 1.00 (one lat) per share.

3.2. The share capital of the Company shall be increased up to LVL 9'585'000
(nine million five hundred eighty-five thousand lats) (declared share capital).

3.3. The new shares of the Company are envisaged to be listed at the regulated
securities market through a/s Rīgas Fondu birža.

3.4. The newly issued shares shall secure to the shareholder all rights of shares
of a joint stock company, including the right to participate in management of
the Company, to receive dividend, and in case of liquidation of the Company -
to receive the termination quota, as well as to have other rights provided for
by the Charter of the Company and the Commercial Law.

3.5. Acquirers of the new issue of shares shall be entitled to participate in
the right to receive dividend as of the date of paying up the respective shares.

3.6. On the date of approval of these Terms a/s "Latvijas Centrālais depozitārijs"
prepares the list of all shareholders of the Company (hereafter the "Report Date")
which are entitled to use preemptive rights to the newly issued shares. For
determination of the preemptive right of shareholders, only the list of shareholders
prepared at the Report Date shall be used.

3.7. The existing shareholders of the Company shall have preemptive right to
purchase the new issue of shares in proportion to their total par value of
shareholding as of the Report Date.

3.8. The placement responsibility of the new shares of the Company shall be
assigned to companies a/s "Suprema" in Latvia (address: Vaļņu iela 1, Riga),
and to a/s "Suprema Securities" (Estonia) - in the international market
(hereafter the "Managers").


4.1. The par value of each new share issued shall be LVL 1.00 (one lat).

4.2. The purchase price of shares shall consist of the par value and the share premium.

4.3. The share premium is determined to be in the range of LVL [ ] (....)
to LVL [ ] (.......). The share premium shall be set by the Management Board
of the Company only within the range stated in these Terms.

4.4. The purchase price of shares shall be determined by the Management Board
of the Company during the Third Phase in accordance with the procedure stated
in Article 4.5 of these Terms.

4.5. The purchase price of shares shall be calculated by the Managers and
approved by the Management Board of the Company in accordance with the result
of demand among professional investors within the Third Phase of subscription by
using the book-building method. The subscription forms shall be submitted by the
professional investors to the Managers within the period of the Third Phase. The
purchase price of shares shall be determined based on the submitted applications
during the Third Phase, and by taking into account the following information
gathered in the subscription ledger:
(a) the total amount of demand;
(b) the total price elasticity of demand;
(c) the quality of total demand structure, i.e. by observing the information
available to the Managers on the demand from short term investors and the long
term investors.


5.1. Subscription to the shares of new issue shall be organized in three phases
as stated in these Terms:

5.1.1. in the First Phase the existing shareholders of the Company determined
on the Report Date shall pursuant to the preemptive right based on Article 251
of the Commercial Law have the right to subscribe to all shares of the new issue
pro rata to their total par value of shareholding on the Report Date.

5.1.2. in the Second Phase the existing shareholders of the Company which have
used their preemptive right and subscribed for the new shares of the Company shall
have the right in proportion to division of shares among the subscribed shareholders,
to subscribe for the remaining shares not subscribed for by the other shareholders.
The application expressing willingness to subscribe for the additional new shares
shall be submitted simultaneously with the subscription form for the First Phase by
indicating the total purchase price of the shares to be purchased by the respective

5.1.3. in the Third Phase all new shares which have not been subscribed by the
existing shareholders of the Company as determined on the Report Date, shall be
offered for subscription without limitation to professional investors in accordance
with the definition set forth by Article 1 Paragraph 4 of the Law On the Market of
Financial Instruments.

5.2. The subscription form attached as Appendix 1 to these Terms shall be used for
subscription during the First and Second Phases, except if the banks and broker
companies servicing the accounts of financial instruments of the existing shareholders
enforce another form of applications in order to submit an order to a/s "Rīgas Fondu
birža" to subscribe for the new shares.

5.3. The procedure of subscription by the professional investors from abroad for the
Third Phase shall be further specified in the offering memorandum approved by the
Management Board of the Company.

5.4. Subscription to the new shares shall take place with the members of a/s "Rīgas
Fondu birža" thought its trading system and within the trading hours in accordance
with the regulations of a/s "Rīgas Fondu birža". The Managers hereby reserve the
right to reject any application which is not prepared in accordance with the
subscription procedure.


The subscription to the new shares shall be organized in accordance with the
following time schedule:

6.1. First Phase:

6.1.1. The term of First Phase shall commence on the date when the announcement
to the existing shareholders of the Company to use the preemptive rights is
published in the official newspaper "Latvijas Vēstnesis".

6.1.2. The term of subscription for the First Phase is 1 (one) month. In the
event that the last day of the subscription term is an official holiday, the
submission term shall terminate on the next business day.

6.2. Second Phase:

6.2.1. Subscription during the Second Phase shall be based on the submitted
applications of the existing shareholders, on the next business day after the
expiry of the subscription term of First Phase. The term of Second Phase is 1
(one) business day.

6.2.2. To subscribe during the Second Phase, the existing shareholders are not
obliged to submit an additional application after the termination of First Phase,
provided that a preemptive right application has been submitted during the First
Phase through a member of a/s "Rīgas Fondu birža" for the total purchase price of
shares which exceeds the amount of purchase price for shares that would vest to
such shareholder in proportion to its total par value of shareholding on the Report

6.3. Third Phase:

6.3.1. The Third Phase of subscription shall commence together with the Second
Phase, and its term is 1 (one) business day. The Management Board of the Company
shall have the right to process electronic applications for subscription by the
professional investors.

6.3.2. The new shares of the Company shall be considered allocated successfully
as of the moment when the Third Phase of subscription has expired and all of the
new shares have been subscribed for.

6.4. The Management Board of the Company shall adopt a decision on the successful
result of subscription process. If the Management Board of the Company considers
that insufficient number of applications has been received during the Third Phase,
the Management Board shall have the right to suspend any further issue of shares
and shall consider advising the General Meeting of shareholders to cancel the
entire share issue of the Company.


7.1. All new issue shares of the Company shall be payable in money. During the
First and Second Phase the existing shareholders of the Company shall block the
required maximum purchase price of total of shares to be purchased with the cash
account of a bank or broker company where the securities account of the shareholder
is opened and maintained in order to effect subscription.

7.2. The settlement shall be effected in accordance with the regulations of a/s
"Rīgas Fondu birža" for all of the newly issued shares of the Company. The
settlement shall be carried out by a/s "Latvijas Centrālais depozitārijs" (LCD)
settlement system "Delivery-Versus-Payment" (DVP). The shares shall be considered
paid when the purchase price for the shares is irrevocably blocked on the current
account of shareholder with the LCD member for performance of DVP transaction.

7.3. The subscription applications of professional investors shall be satisfied
only after the allocation of shares to the existing shareholders of the Company,
and only to the extent of any shares remaining following such preferential allocation.

7.4. In case of default on payment for the shares purchased by the shareholder, the
number of shares corresponding to the amount of payment in the settlement shall be
allocated to the shareholder.

7.5. In the event that during the subscription term not all of the newly issued
shares are subscribed for, the Management Board of the Company shall after consultation
with the Managers have the right to adopt a decision that either the share issue is
completed to the extent of already subscribed shares, or that an extraordinary General
Meeting of shareholders is to be announced for cancellation of the entire share issue.

7.6. If the share issue is declared cancelled, the amount of funds required for
subscription and blocked with the current account shall be released subject to
instructions of a/s "Rīgas Fondu birža".


8.1. A/S "Rīgas Fondu birža" shall inform its members on the procedure of submitting
of subscription forms (orders) and the procedures of exchange of information.

8.2. All public announcements on the share issue of the Company under these Terms and
the subscription thereof shall be published via the information system of a/s "Rīgas
Fondu birža".

8.3. Additional information on the application of these Terms may be received with the
Managers, address: A/S "Suprema", Vaļņu iela 1, Riga. from 9:30 to 16:00 each business

8.4. If any article of these Terms becomes impossible or against the applicable legal
norms or the regulations of the Financial and Capital Market Commission, the Management
Board of the Company shall have the right to correct the Terms insofar as to maintain
the effect of these Terms to the extent possible.

A/S "Grindeks"
Chairman of the Management Board
Valdis Jākobsons


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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