Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 06:15 (GMT+3)

GRD: AS “Grindeks” information regarding the decisions taken at shareholders meeting

20.05.2005, Grindeks, RIG
Grindeks                                                    20.05.2005.

AS “Grindeks” information regarding the decisions taken at shareholders meeting

On May 18 the ordinary shareholders meeting of the major Latvian pharmaceuticals
manufacturer JSC Grindeks took place. During the meeting a range of important decisions
regarding the future growth of the company was taken. The decisions taken concerned
the allocation of 2004 profit to the future development of the company, share capital
increase etc.

The major Latvian manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, JSC Grindeks declared audited profit
of 2,44 millions LVL in year 2004, which is an increase of 82% comparing to year 2003 and
the shareholders resolved about the allocation of profit to enhance company’s development
and strengthening of competitiveness.

A decision was taken to issue extra 1,85 millions of shares, thus increasing Grindeks share
capital to 9,58 millions LVL, acquiring additional financial resources for further development.
The chairman of the Management Board, Valdis Jākobsons commented: “Grindeks is a world
class pharmaceutical company with a resounding potential, in upcoming years planning to double
the sales volumes.

The Management Board of the Company considered share emission as being the best way for
enhancement of consistent growth both in quantity and quality corresponding to the plans built”.

The profit of 2004 and financial resources obtained by the increase of share capital of the
Company will be invested in development of the Company, giving priority for investments in
fields like the launching of new products, optimizing of promotion, increase of production
capacity and acquisition of enterprises, thus allowing Grindeks to attain its strategic
objectives more efficiently.

At the moment Grindeks has submitted documents for raising financial resources from EU
Structural funds aiming to develop a new laboratory at the Plant of Active pharmaceutical
ingredients. The total sum of the project is planned to be 3,3 millions LVL, composing
1,5 millions LVL of EU funding. The application of two more projects is in the stage of
development, in order to claim for the EU funding.

Designing of a new plant for the Final dosage forms business structure of the Company has
been undertaken. In two years it is planned to finish the building of the new plant, thus
allowing increasing at least twice the production capacity of pellets and tablets produced
at Grindeks.
At least 5% to 8% of the annual turnover company invests in research and development and more
than 2 millions LVL are planned to invest in various research projects in 2005.

The shareholders entrusted Grindeks Management Board to evaluate the possibility to move the
shares of the company listed on the I-List to the Main List of Riga Stock exchange. Valdis
Jākobsons, the chairman of the Management Board informed shareholders that it might be
possible to move the shares to the Main List to the end of the year, thus enhancing an
attraction of international capital investments to the development of the company.

Solvita Ulmane,
Grindeks Head of Public relations department


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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