Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 06:11 (GMT+3)

VNF: Profit of AS “Ventspils Nafta” in 2004 – LVL19,2 Million

20.05.2005, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils Nafta                                            20.05.2005. 

Profit of AS “Ventspils Nafta” in 2004 – LVL19,2 Million

The consolidated annual report of a/s Ventspils nafta for the year ended
31 December 2004 prepared in accordance with applicable laws of the Republic of
Latvia and generally accepted accounting policies, shows that the net turnover of
a/s Ventspils nafta Group for the reporting period reached LVL 55.95 million, with
profit after taxes amounting to LVL 13.86 million. Pursuant to the consolidated annual
report for the year ended 31 December 2004 presented in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards, the net turnover of a/s Ventspils nafta Group for the
reporting period reached LVL 55.95 million, with profit after taxes amounting to
LVL 19.21 million.

The consolidated annual report of a/s Ventspils nafta for the year ended 31 December 2004
was audited by the auditing company Ernst&Young Baltic, however, the auditing process has
not yet been fully completed right now, as in accordance with applicable laws a/s Ventspils
nafta has to obtain from a/s Latvijas kuģniecība, an associated entity to a/s Ventspils
nafta, the consolidated annual report for 2004 approved by the shareholders’ meeting of
a/s Latvijas kuģniecība. According to Ernst&Young Baltic, based on the earlier performed
auditing process, no any substantial changes would be envisaged in the annual reports of
a/s Ventspils nafta for the year ended 31 December 2004.

The consolidated annual report of a/s Ventspils nafta for the year ended 31 December 2004
comprises reclassification and revaluation of the investment in a/s Latvijas kuģniecība,
an associated entity to a/s Ventspils nafta. The revaluation has been performed, based on
the activity plan and the budget of a/s Ventspils nafta for the reporting period approved
by the shareholders’ meeting of a/s Ventspils nafta in 2004, which defined the necessity
of reclassification of a/s Ventspils nafta investment in a/s Latvijas kuģniecība (49.94%).
Initially, the investment of a/s Ventspils nafta was stated as a current asset, but
starting from 2004, it has been reclassified to non-current investments, based on the
actual situation.

The profit difference shown in the annual reports prepared in accordance with both the
accounting standards of the Republic of Latvia and International Financial Reporting
Standards is explained by some distinctions between these standards as well as is relevant
to the reclassification of a/s Latvijas kuģniecība stated in the balance sheet. To enable
a/s Ventspils nafta to submit the annual report to respective state’s institutions it
shall be prepared in accordance with Latvian standards; and International Standards shall
be applied when submitting the annual report to Rīga Stock Exchange.

Ernst&Young Baltic points out that after the revaluation of the investment in a/s Latvijas
kuģniecība has been included into the consolidated annual report of a/s Ventspils nafta
for the year ended 31 December 2004, according to Article 29 of the Republic of Latvia Law
on Financial Statements of Companies, the profit of a/s Ventspils nafta for 2004 cannot be
distributed in dividends, but instead should be transferred to restricted reserves.

The year 2004 for the joint stock company Ventspils nafta was the starting point for
efficient operating under the new and properly arranged management system of the Group. It
is the result of improvement of a/s Ventspils nafta management system commenced in 2003 in
line with the basic principles of a multi-branch group of companies, encompassing the
segregation of the holding companies’ functions and dividing all the entities belonging to
a/s Ventspils nafta Group by their respective business segments.

“The financial results of a/s Ventspils nafta for the year 2004 evidence that the Group
has succeeded in reaching its aims: the financial and economic results of a/s Ventspils
nafta Group for the reporting period reach and, in some aspects, even exceed the forecasted
amounts”, says Olga Pētersone, Chairperson of the Board of a/s Ventspils nafta.

In 2004, a/s Ventspils nafta Group continued operating in the areas of crude oil and
petroleum products transit, printing, publishing and real estate management.

In 2004, SIA Ventspils nafta termināls demonstrated stability of operations, regardless of
impairment of rights and opportunities of SIA Ventspils nafta termināls to freely compete
at the transit market and accept oil transported via pipelines due to external circumstances
beyond the company’s control. In 2004, all cargoes totalling 8.4 million tons were delivered
only by railway. Compared to 2002, when oil was transported in Ventspils direction also via
pipelines, the amount of cargoes delivered by railway to the terminal in 2004 increased by
1.8 million tons or 28%. The volume of motor gasoline transhipped by SIA Ventspils nafta
termināls for the reporting period increased essentially – by 0.7 million tons, compared
to 2003, and even by 1.2 million tons, compared to 2002.

During the reporting period, SIA LatRosTrans, the operator and owner of oil and petroleum
products pipelines in Latvia, recorded a substantial growth of the volumes of transported
gas oil. In 2004, 5.7 million tons of gas oil were transported via the main pipeline of
SIA LatRosTrans to the Ventspils port, thus exceeding the result of 2003 by 1.1 million
tons. With the view of future increase of gas oil transportation volumes, SIA LatRosTrans
in 2004 implemented a stage of modernisation of the main pipeline by constructing a 10 km
long looping.

During the reporting period, SIA LatRosTrans continued active operations aimed at elimination
of excess physical losses of oil products in the result of unauthorised actions by informing
and involving governmental bodies for the purpose of solving this issue. According to the
belief expressed by the management of SIA LatRosTrans and a/s Ventspils nafta, in 2004 the
court instances decided in favour of SIA LatRosTrans and its claim regarding tax surcharges
for the aforementioned physical losses was met. Based on the court decisions, SIA LatRosTrans
will be refunded taxes unreasonably charged for 2001, 2002 and 2003.

In 2004, the manifold range of printing services offered by a/s Preses nams, as well as the
expedient geographic disposition of the market enabled the company to maintain and strengthen
its position in the segment of printing of books, periodicals and packaging both in the
domestic and international market. According to data of the Latvian Printing Association,
a/s Preses nams has been the major printing enterprise in Latvia and in the Baltic States
over the last years. During the reporting period income from printing services amount to
98.5% of a/s Preses nams’s turnover, including 68% of services rendered to Latvian customers
and 32% representing exports.

A/s Latvijas kuģniecība, an associated entity to a/s Ventspils nafta, succeeded in benefiting
from the favourable market situation during the reporting period and derived profit in the
amount of LVL 38.5 million after taxes due to circumstances beyond the management’s control.
A major portion of income of a/s Latvijas kuģniecība Group comprises reversal of impairment
of a/s Latvijas kuģniecība fleet of vessels stated in prior years, thus increasing the profit
for the previous year by LVL 23 million.

Risk diversification policy exercised by a/s Ventspils nafta over a past few years has
resulted in a number of liquid financial investments in several real estate objects in Riga
(villa Maikapara nams, Preses nams building, the office building at Palasta Street in the
Old town of Riga), Jūrmala (former health resort Rīgas līcis), Ventspils and other regions
(conference and recreation centre Lejastiezumi near the Usmas lake). The favourable
developments in the real estate market characterised by ongoing price rise over the previous
years and the reporting period have resulted in continuous growth of the market value of
the real estate owned by a/s Ventspils nafta, thus ensuring a/s Ventspils nafta a stable
return on investment, and hence, an additional income reserve.

“The successful financial results of a/s Ventspils nafta Group reached after the year-end,
for the first quarter of the year 2005, unequivocally demonstrate stability and profitability
of a/s Ventspils nafta”, emphasizes O.Pētersone.

A/s Ventspils nafta
For detailed information please contact –
Gundega Vārpa,
tel. 371-7229793;
e-mail: gundega.varpa@vnafta.lv


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