Pēd. atjaunots: 20.07.2024 19:09 (GMT+3)

Lietuvos Telekomas AB: The “Surveillance” Scandal is Over – Lietuvos Telekomas was not and is not Engaged in any Illegal Activities

18.10.2004, Telia Lietuva, VLN
Lietuvos Telekomas AB
Other information

The “Surveillance” Scandal is Over – Lietuvos Telekomas was not and is not
Engaged in any Illegal Activities

The investigation group, led by General Prosecutor stated that AB Lietuvos
Telekomas was not engaged in any illegal activities, related with inviolability
of life of the private person. Representatives of different law institutions
stated that the software and technical equipment under the investigation was
procured and used in a legal manner with the legitimate purpose – security of
telecommunication network and prevention of frauds.

When commenting the decision of General Prosecutor to discontinue the pre-trial
investigation Arunas Siksta, General Manager of AB Lietuvos Telekomas expressed
the hope that the so-called “surveillance” scandal, which raised significant
response from the public will be over.

During the scandal Lietuvos Telekomas was tried to be accused with audio
surveillance of political parties, banks, private persons and other unrealistic
incriminations. Neither of the said rumors was found true.

“I would like to emphasize that I have repeatedly stated that Lietuvos Telekomas
does not serve any other interests but those of its customers, shareholders and
the society. Being one of the largest tax payers we are surprised that a foreign
capital enterprise, which has invested billions and granting millions of Litas
each year for charity, was tried to be implicated into a swirl of slander and
ungrounded accusations“, – stated Arunas Siksta.

According to General Manager of Lietuvos Telekomas such artificial scandals do
not contribute to improvement of the business environment and mitigate the image
of Lithuania as an investment attractive country.

Rosvaldas Gorbaciovas
Press Officer
(+370 5) 236 75 37


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