Pēd. atjaunots: 26.11.2024 00:30 (GMT+2)
Saku Õlletehase AS FINANCIAL RESULTS 31.05.2005
(In thousands) EEK €
31.3. 31.3. 31.12. 31.3. 31.3. 31.12.
2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004
Cash and bank 33,651 13,689 36,461 2,150 875 2,330
Trade receivables (Note 2) 46,557 33,429 43,319 2,976 2,136 2,768
Other receivables and 8,136 5,137 6,766 520 328 432
prepayments (Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 122,312 120,790 109,674 7,816 7,719 7,009
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 210,656 173,045 196,220 13,462 11,058 12,539
Non-current assets
Long-term financial 10,720 12,396 11,029 687 793 707
investments (Note 5)
Property, plant and 238,371 246,831 239,295 15,234 15,776 15,293
equipment (Note 6)
Intangible assets (Note 7) 562 585 596 36 37 38
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 249,653 259,812 250,920 15,957 16,606 16,038
TOTAL ASSETS 460,309 432,857 447,140 29,419 27,664 28,577
Current liabilities
Debt obligations (Note 8) 70 712 140 4 46 9
Trade payables 19,100 17,699 16,266 1,221 1,131 1,039
Other payables (Note 13) 1,266 980 471 81 63 30
Tax liabilities (Note 9) 30,518 15,559 23,314 1,950 994 1,490
Payables to employees 2,396 2,460 3,095 153 157 198
Other accrued expenses 5,908 5,641 3,078 378 361 196
Short-term provisions 20,543 22,862 24,636 1,313 1,461 1,575
(Note 10)
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 79,801 65,913 71,000 5,100 4,213 4,537
Non-current liabilities
Finance lease liabilities 258 16
(Note 8)
Equity (Note 11)
Share capital 80,000 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113 5,113
Statutory capital reserve 8,000 8,000 8,000 511 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817 2,817
Accumulated profits 244,070 234,032 194,032 15,599 14,957 12,401
Net profit for the period 4,368 584 50,038 279 37 3,198
TOTAL EQUITY 380,508 366,686 376,140 24,319 23,435 24,040
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 460,309 432,857 447,140 29,419 27,664 28,577
(In thousands) EEK €
January-January- January-January-
March March March March
2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004
Sales revenue (Note 12) 109,500 84,358 530,86 6,998 5,391 33,928
Other revenue (Note 14) 19 82 705 1 5 46
Total revenue 109,519 84,440 531,57 6,999 5,396 33,974
Changes in work in
progress and finished
goods inventories -4,765 -6,820 -6,105 -305 -436 -390
Materials, consumables and 51,171 41,014 241,30 3,271 2,621 15,422
supplies used 5
(Note 15)
Other operating expenses 28,096 24,946 125,29 1,796 1,594 8,008
(Note 15) 2
Personnel expenses (Note 18,476 13,162, 58,081 1,181 841 3,712
Depreciation and 11,910 10,936 45,025 761 699 2,878
amortization expense
(Notes 6, 7)
Other expenses (Note 15) 507 720 3,915 32 46 250
Total expenses 105,395 83,958 467,51 6,736 5,365 29,880
PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS 4,124 482 64,057 263 31 4,094
Financial income and 244 102 35 16 6 2
expenses (Note 16)
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 4,368 584 64,092 279 37 4,096
Income tax expense 14,054 898
NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 4,368 584 50,038 279 37 3,198
Basic earnings per share 0.55 0.07 6.25 0.03 0.00 0.40
(Note 17)
Diluted earnings per share 0.55 0.07 6.25 0.03 0.00 0.40
(Note 17)
Review of operations and performance
Saku Õlletehase AS' beverage sales for the first quarter
of 2005 amounted to 14.8m litres, 3.5m litres or 31% up on
the same period in 2004. Revenues totalled
EEK 109.5m (€7.0m), an EEK 25.1m (€1.6m) or 29.7%
improvement on a year ago. The main growth drivers were
beer and other alcoholic beverages.
According to the Estonian Breweries Association, in the
first three months of 2005 the Estonian beer market
expanded by around 15%. The accumulated market share of
Saku Õlletehase AS was 44.5% (a year ago: 41.9%). The
upswing in market share was facilitated by a successful
launch of Saku Originaal in novel AM packaging in February
2005. Saku Originaal is the leading beer brand in Estonian
beer market by being 63% bigger than the next coming beer
brand of the same segment.
Saku Brewery was the first Estonian beer producer to
implement a new quality package, AM bottle: innovative
unbreakable quality packaging for beer. The bottle which
is used to package the company’s core brand has made a
qualitative change in Estonian beer market by increasing
the share of mainstream and premium beers at the expense
of products in ordinary plastic packaging whose importance
has grown drastically in the past few years.
Sturdy growth continued also in the cider and gin long
drink markets which expanded by ~15% and ~61%
respectively. Saku Õlletehase AS increased its share in
the cider market from 33.6% last year to 34.7% and its
share in the gin long drink market from 20.1% to 26.3%.
Export of the company has increased 61% compared to last
year same period. Since 1 May Saku Originaal is
distributed in Finland by the largest Finnish brewery
Sinebrychoff OY. The export containers of Saku Originaal
were included in the Finnish packaging deposit system.
Since May 1, 2004 has increased exports to Finland four-
Expenses for the first quarter totalled EEK 105.4m (€6.7),
EEK 21.4m (€1.4m) or 25.5% up on the same period in 2004.
The largest growth occurred in the cost of materials,
consumables and supplies, largely on account of expanded
sales and production volumes. The volume of beverages sold
in one-way packaging (cans and PET) has almost doubled
compared to a year ago, triggering an increase in related
materials costs and rising operating volumes and intensive
marketing activities have increased transport and
advertising expenses. The growth in personnel expenses has
been affected, among other things, by the non-recurring
payments related with organizational restructuring.
Saku Õlletehase AS’ operating profit for the first three
months of 2005 amounted to EEK 4.1m (€0.3m), EEK 3.6m
(€232,000) up on a year ago. Net profit for the first
quarter amounted to EEK 4.4m (€0.3m) against the EEK 0.6m
(€0.04m) earned a year ago.
FINANCIAL RATIOS January- January-
March March
2005 2004
Operating margin (operating profit / 3.8% 0.6%
total revenue)
Net margin (net profit / total 4.0% 0.7%
Return on assets (net profit / 1.0% 0.1%
average total assets)
Return on equity (net profit / 1.2% 0.2%
average equity)
Non-current asset turnover ratio 0.4 0.3
(total revenue / average non-current
Total assets turnover ratio (total 0.2 0.2
revenue / average total assets)
Kristina Seimann
Communication Manager
+372 6 508 303