Pēd. atjaunots: 06.07.2024 10:17 (GMT+3)

VNF: Draft resolutions of AGM of shareholders of Ventspils nafta of 1 July

17.06.2005, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                              17.06.2005.

Draft resolutions of AGM of shareholders of Ventspils nafta of 1 July

Aproval of Annual reports for the year 2004

1. To take notice of management and consolidated report of a/s
Ventspils nafta on operating results for 2004, the report of
the Supervisory Board of a/s Ventspils nafta and the report of
auditor on Annual Reports for the year 2004.

2. To approve the Annual Report for the year 2004 and consolidated
Annual Report for the year 2004 prepared in accordance with the Law
on Financial Statements of Companies and the Law on Consolidated
Financial Statements of Companies of the Republic of Latvia.

3. To approve the Annual Report for the year 2004 and consolidated
Annual Report for the year 2004 prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards.

Distribution of Profit for the Year 2005

To transfer profit of a/s Ventspils nafta for the year 2004 in
the amount of LVL 14,778,252 (fourteen million seven hundred
seventy eight thousand two hundred fifty two lats) to restricted
and other reserves in accordance with regulations of the Republic
of Latvia.

Election of Sworn Auditor for the Audit of
Annual Reports for the Year 2005

1. To elect the sworn auditor, Diāna Krišjāne
(Certificate no.124),
to audit Annual report and consolidated Annual report of a/s
Ventspils nafta for the year 2005.
2. To authorise the Executive Board of a/s Ventspils nafta to
conclude Agreement with SIA Ernst&Young Baltic on the audit of
Annual Reports for the year 2005, determining the remuneration
within the approved budget of a/s Ventspils nafta for year 2005.

Election of Supervisory Board

1. To take notice that as from 13 May 2005 Mārtiņš Jansons resigned
from his post of the member of the Supervisory Board of a/s
Ventspils Nafta, based on his application dated 13 May 2005
and according to Division 9, Article 296 of Commerce Law,
release Jānis Blaževičs, Eižens Cepurnieks, Vladimirs Krastiņš,
Romāns Mežeckis, Ivars Pāže, Uldis Pumpurs, Vladimirs Solomatins,
Ansis Sormulis, Voldemārs Strīķis, Mamerts Vaivads from their
posts of the members of the Supervisory Board of a/s Ventspils Nafta.

2. To authorise the following people as members of a/s
Ventspils Nafta Supervisory Board for the period of three years as
from 1 July, 2005:...

3. To determine a monthly remuneration fund of the Supervisory
Board of a/s Ventspils Nafta shall amount up to Ls 30,000
(thirty thousand lats), authorising the Supervisory Board to
determine distribution of the remuneration fund between its members.


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