Pēd. atjaunots: 06.07.2024 02:19 (GMT+3)

HPA: Erkki Raasuke is the CEO of Hansabank Group

30.06.2005, Hansapank, TLN
AS HANSAPANK                  STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                 30.06.2005


The Council meeting held today confirmed the nomination of Erkki Raasuke as the
CEO of Hansabank Group and the chairman of the Board of Hansabank. Previously Mr
Raasuke was the vice-chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Group's
Estonian business unit. For the past two months, Raasuke has been working as the
acting CEO of the Group.

Erkki Raasuke: "I step into my new position with a good feeling. The past few
years have been very successful for Hansabank Group - we have become the clear
leader on Baltic markets and are moving on a steady course. As of this spring we
are an integral part of Swedbank Group and together we form one of the leading
Nordic-Baltic banking groups. This change will certainly provide new
opportunities for our clients as well as our employees. On the other hand,
Swedbank's full ownership does not alter Hansabank Group's strategy. It rather
adds strengths necessary to pursue very ambitious goals. Hansabank's
organisational set-up and management responsibilities will remain and we will
continue implementing our current strategy. We have set ourselves very ambitious
targets, but I am confident that we have all the necessary ingredients to reach

Jan Lidén, Chairman of the Council of Hansabank, CEO of Swedbank: "I am very
pleased that Erkki Raasuke has accepted the important role as a CEO of Hansabank.
He has the experience and skills to lead Hansabank which is a very important part
of our Group being a leading Nordic-Baltic bank. Together we now form one group
well equipped to cope with competitors and to target new opportunities and new
markets. I have great expectations that Erkki Raasuke and his management team
will continue the successful performance of Hansabank as well as contribute to
the Group as we now move ahead together".

Priit Põldoja, former head of retail banking in Estonia was appointed as the new
Managing Director of the Estonian business unit and Margus Rink, head of the
branch network was appointed as the new head of Estonian retail banking division.

Erkki Raasuke: "I am glad that Priit and Margus decided to accept this challenge.
I am convinced that we have the best people on these positions and a strong team
leading our Estonian unit."

The composition of the Hansabank board is the following:
Kristina Siimar - Chief financial officer
Aivo Adamson - Chief credit officer
Olli Heinonen - Chief information officer
Priit Põldoja - Managing director, Estonia
Ingrida Bluma - Managing director, Latvia
Ugis Zemturis - Head of retail banking, Latvia
Giedrius Dusevicius - Managing director, Lithuania
Druvis Murmanis - Managing director, Russia

Mart Tõevere
Head of Corporate Communications and IR
Tel. +372 6131 569


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