Pēd. atjaunots: 06.07.2024 02:12 (GMT+3)

VNF: On decisions adopted by Anuuals General Meeting of a/s Ventspils nafta Shareholders

01.07.2005, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                                01.07.2005.

On decisions adopted by Anuuals General Meeting of a/s Ventspils nafta Shareholders

Today, July 1, 2005, the annual general meeting of a/s Ventspils nafta shareholders
has considered and made decisions regarding the following issues, i.e. Approval of
Annual reports for the year 2004; Distribution of profit for year 2004; Election of
a sworn auditor for the audit of annual reports for the year 2005; and Election of
Supervisory Board.

The annual general meeting of shareholders has taken notice of management and
consolidated report of a/s Ventspils nafta on operating results for 2004, the report
of the Supervisory Board of a/s Ventspils nafta and the report of auditor on Annual
Reports for the year 2004; as well as has approved the Annual Report for the year
2004 and consolidated Annual Report for the year 2004 prepared in accordance with the
Law on Financial Statements of Companies and the Law on Consolidated Financial
Statements of Companies of the Republic of Latvia as well as in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards.

Having considered the issue on Distribution of profit for year 2004, shareholders
have decided to transfer profit of a/s Ventspils nafta parent company for the year
2004 in the amount of LVL 14,778,252 to restricted and other reserves in accordance
with regulations of the Republic of Latvia. As pointed out by the auditing company
Ernst&Young Baltic, after the revaluation of the investment in a/s Latvijas kuģniecība
has been included into the consolidated annual report of a/s Ventspils nafta for the
year ended 31 December 2004, according to Article 39 of the Republic of Latvia Law on
Financial Statements of Companies, the profit of a/s Ventspils nafta for 2004 cannot
be distributed in dividends, but instead should be transferred to restricted reserves.

As the sworn auditor to audit Annual report and consolidated Annual report of
a/s Ventspils nafta for the year 2005 the annual general meeting of shareholders has
elected Diāna Krišjāne and authorised the Management Board of a/s Ventspils nafta to
conclude Agreement with SIA Ernst&Young Baltic on the audit of Annual Reports for
the year 2005.

The annual general meeting of a/s Ventspils nafta shareholders has taken notice that
as from 13 May 2005 Mārtiņš Jansons resigned from his post of the member of the
Supervisory Board of a/s Ventspils Nafta and hence in accordance with Commerce Law
it has released the existing members: Jānis Blaževičs, Eižens Cepurnieks, Vladimirs
Krastiņš, Romāns Mežeckis, Ivars Pāže, Uldis Pumpurs, Vladimirs Solomatins, Ansis
Sormulis, Voldemārs Strīķis, Mamerts Vaivads from their posts in the Supervisory
Board of a/s Ventspils Nafta.

The annual general meeting of shareholders has elected the following people as
members of a/s Ventspils Nafta Supervisory Board for the period of three: Jānis
Blaževičs, Vladimirs Krastiņš, Ivars Pāže, Uldis Pumpurs, Vladimirs Solomatins,
Mamerts Vaivads, Aivars Tiesnesis, Kārlis Boldiševics, Romāns Mežeckis, Mārtiņš Jansons,
Dans Titavs.

A/s Ventspils nafta
For detailed information please contact –
Gundega Vārpa,
tel. 7229793;
e-mail: gundega.varpa@vnafta.lv


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