Pēd. atjaunots: 25.11.2024 05:26 (GMT+2)
AB Bankas NORD/LB Lietuva Stock Exchange Release 29.07.2005
Dr.Hinrich Holm resigns from the management board
The member of the management board of AB Bankas NORD/LB Lietuva
Dr. Hinrich Holm resigns from his position from July 29, 2005
to continue his carrier in NORD/LB bank in Hanover following
a promotion. Dr. Hinrich Holm (born 1965) has been a member
of the management board of AB Bankas NORD/LB Lietuva from August
1, 2002. Dr. Hinrich Holm has no shares of AB Bankas NORD/LB Lietuva.
Andrius Vilkancas
Press officer
tel. +370 5 239 3413 ______