Pēd. atjaunots: 04.07.2024 21:59 (GMT+3)


24.08.2005, Latvijas kuģniecība, RIG
AS Latvijas kuģniecība                                     24.08.2005


JSC Latvijas kuģniecība (Latvian Shipping Company - LASCO) today
announced its financial results for the first half of 2005. LASCO
Group’s profit after tax for the first six months ended June 30,
2005 reached USD 13.0 million, thus almost three times exceeding
the respective result of the previous year. Compared to the first
half of 2004 there was also a double increase in the Company’s
Vessel Operating Profit that reached USD 24.6 million. Today,
24 August 2005, the Company’s positive financial results were
reviewed and taken into consideration by JSC Latvijas kuģniecība
Supervisory Council.

In the first half of 2005 all types of LASCO fleet operated with
profit. However, the largest contribution to the Group’s total
Vessel Operating Profit was made by its Tanker Fleet that generated
67% of the total result or USD 16.5 million, thus exceeding the
respective result of 2004 by USD 9.0 million.

Also LPG Fleet’s Vessel Operating Profit has improved compared
to the respective period of 2004. In the first half of 2005 it
made up USD 5.0 million or 21% of the Group’s total Vessel
Operating Profit. LASCO Reefer Fleet’s Vessel Operating Profit
made up 11% of the Group’s total result, while that of the Dry
Cargo Fleet – 1%.

“Positive financial results once again testify to the Company’s
competitiveness in the international shipping markets, as well
as to its ability to work professionally and purposefully in
complicated and changing circumstances. I feel especially
contented that we were able to earn profit not only in the
tanker segment, but also in traditionally less profitable dry
cargo and reefer sector”, stressed Imants Vikmanis, Chairman
of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Board of Directors.

Similar to the previous years, with the onset of summer there
was a traditional decrease in the demand for oil products leading
to a drop in the tanker freight rates. Freight rate seasonality
in the reefer segment is even more distinct. However, compared
to the previous years a slight growth of the reefer rates continued
due to the ageing of the world fleet against the low newbuilding
activity. The growth of freight rates was strong enough to offset
the adverse impact of the rise in the bunker prices and enabled
the Company not to lay-up its reefer vessels for the first time
in the past years.

“It cannot be denied that the Company’s performance has been
positively impacted by the registration of changes in the
composition of LASCO Board of Directors and Supervisory Council
in the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia done
on 22 June 2005. Though being of a merely declarative nature,
it has cleared our customers’ and business partners’ concern
for the legality of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība managing bodies”,
noted Uldis Pumpurs, Chairman of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība
Supervisory Council.

During the reporting period the implementation of LASCO Tanker
Fleet Renewal Programme continued. 14 newbuildings have been
already ordered within the frames of the project: 10 tankers
at 3.Maj shipyard in Croatia and 4 tankers at Hyundai Mipo
Dockyard in Korea. To ensure the delivery of the vessels in
accordance with the agreed schedule, steel cutting for the
first of the ten vessels ordered at 3.Maj was commenced on
22 June 2005. The first vessel is scheduled for delivery
in early 2006. The construction of the four vessels ordered
at Hyundai Mipo Dockyard is progressing according to the
schedule, and they are planned for delivery at regular
intervals during 2007.

The fact that the renewal of the Group’s fleet is not only
a vitally important step towards preserving the Company’s
competitiveness, but also a strong positive signal to its
customers and business partners has been repeatedly stressed
by I. Vikmanis.

In the first six months of 2005 no changes took place in
the composition of LASCO Group’s fleet comprising 40 vessels:
32 product tankers, 2 LPG carriers, 5 reefer vessels and
1 Ro-Ro/general type vessel.

For detailed information:
Marita Ozolina-Tumanovska
Head of PR Departament
Phone: +371 7020120, 9287169
E-mail : ozolina@lsc.riga.lv


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