Pēd. atjaunots: 03.07.2024 18:15 (GMT+3)

KLV: Comment on the public letter

03.10.2005, Kalev, TLN
AS KALEV            STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE        3.10.2005

Comment on the public letter of the Chairman of the Council
of the Rae Rural Municipality

In its public letter, Veigo Gutmann, Chairman of the Council
of the Rae Rural Municipality, brings unjust and unfounded
accusations against AS Kalev, alleging that the company has
polluted the premises of and failed to act in response to
the environmental concerns of Rae rural municipality.

AS Kalev and the rural municipality are currently disputing
waste water tariffs. While the dispute is pending, the rural
municipality is charging from the company unreasonably high
waste water disposal fees by taking advantage of the
monopoly position of its water undertaking. While 15 kroons
per cubic meter of waste water was charged in disposal fees
upon AS Kalev’s relocation to Rae rural municipality, the
water undertaking now charges 220 kroons per cubic meter.
This charge is significantly higher than the current market
price, and is therefore unfair.

The claim that AS Kalev has failed to pay disposal fees to
the water undertaking is also untrue. AS Kalev has paid the
invoices to the extent required by the contract concluded
between AS Kalev and the rural municipality, as well as the
provisions of the legal acts of the Rae Rural Municipality
Government and the Council of the Rae Rural Municipality.

This week, the Rae water undertaking informed AS Kalev it
would shut down the company’s sewerage system, if AS Kalev
does not pay invoices in full. AS Kalev believes the claim
is unfounded. Should the Rae Rural Municipality refuse to
render waste water disposal services to the company and
continue charging from the company unreasonably high
disposal fees, the company will file a claim with the court
in order to protect its interests.

AS Kalev is currently actively searching for alternative
solutions to the issues related to waste water disposal.
Among other things, the company submitted to the Rae Rural
Municipality Government an application for the design
conditions of its own preliminary treatment facilities on 7
September 2005. No reply has been received to date. The
company is also considering several other alternatives for
providing a solution to the waste water issue.

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858


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