Pēd. atjaunots: 03.07.2024 06:28 (GMT+3)

OLF: Olainfarm's antivirus medication Remantadin is registered in Poland

20.10.2005, Olainfarm, RIG
JSC “Olainfarm”						20.10.2005.

Antivirus medication Remantadin manufactured by JSC „Olainfarm” is registered in Poland

On October 13th, Medicines Registration Agency of Poland has registered
popular antivirus medication Remantadin® manufactured by JSC „Olainfarm”.
Medication’s registration process usually is a long one and in this case it
required work of two and a half years. Along with registration of medication
the company acquires rights to deliver and distribute it in the corresponding
country. JSC „Olainfarm” is planning to immediately start delivery of Remantadin
for the needs of Poland’s market so that at the beginning of the flu season it
is available in the pharmacy shops in Poland. It is planned that even before end
of this year deliveries of Remantadin for the Poland market will reach approximately
500 thousands packs. These plans are confirmed by the huge interest to the purchase
of this preparation on the side of the Poland companies, because presently there are
almost none analogical preparations on the Poland market.
Presently the last stage of registration process for preparation Furamag® manufactured
by JSC „Olainfarm” is carried out in Poland. The company plans to start deliveries
of this preparation this year as well.
Owing to successful marketing activities and favorable situation on the market the
management of JSC „Olainfarm” already now has increased its net turnover forecast
from 12 millions Ls to 13 millions Ls. Presently the results of activity of the
company for the last 9 month are being prepared, which will be published in the
second part of November along with corrected annual results forecasts.

in Olaine, on October 20th, 2005

Prepared by Viktorija Zhuka-Nikulina
Head of legal department
JSC „Olainfarm”
Phone 7013 870, 9473980
Fax 7013 777
e-mail: vzuk@olainfarm.lv


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