Pēd. atjaunots: 03.07.2024 00:04 (GMT+3)


28.10.2005, Reverta, RIG
Parex banka                                                28.10.2005


October 28, Parex banka officially opens a branch in Berlin, Germany, and
announces expansion of its operations on the German market. Latvian Parex
banka is the first financial institution of the new EU member countries to
start operating in the Western European countries.

“Parex banka is glad to announce the launch of direct operations in Germany
where we have previously been operating on a cross-border sales basis. Taking
into account the active economic relationships between Latvia and Germany,
German capital resources and the rapid growth of the Latvian economy, we see
good opportunities for the banks development and successful operations in
Germany. Latvia’s accession to the European Union has also contributed to the
great interest of Germans towards the services provided by Latvian enterprises.
All of these factors have had a positive impact on the decision making process
culminating in the opening of a branch in Berlin,” comments Gatis Kokins, the
Assistant Vice President of Parex banka.

The primary tasks of Parex banka’s Berlin branch include: servicing customer
accounts, offering deposits with competitive rates, (e.g. the annual rate on
deposits in EUR equals 2.7%), emission of payment cards, internet banking,
investment counsellor services and asset management advisory. Currently, the
branch employs four staff members, subsequently the number of personnel will
be increased.

German citizens have already expressed a high interest in the prospects of
investing into the rapidly growing economy of Latvia (GDP growth in Latvia
for the first half year of 2005 reached 9.5%, for 2004 – 6.3%) and investing
into Latvian and Baltic real estate market, as well as investing in perspective
securities of Baltic States, Russian Federation and CIS countries. Currently
Germany is one of the largest trading partners of Latvia – export volume to
Germany comprises 9.9% (EUR 337 mln), meanwhile the volume of imports – 14.1%
(EUR 765 mln).

Parex banka forecasts, that after the launching of the branch, the Bank will
be able to attract German clients, who are interested in developing economic
relationships with enterprises in the Baltic Region, as well as to offer
deposits with competitive rates and high profitability.

Parex banka started research on German market in the end of nineties, opening
a representative office in Frankfurt in 1998. Since then Parex has established
close business relationships with German banks. The volume of their participation
in the syndicated loans, issued for and by Parex banka, totals 171,6 mln. EUR.
The bank’s partners from German banking sector include: Landesbank
Baden-Wurttembergische, Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG, Bayerische Landesbank,
Commerzbank AG, Dresdner Bank AG, Europa Bank AG, DZ Bank AG (Deutsche Zentral-
Genossenschaftsbank), HSH Nordbank, Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz, Landesbank Saar,
Landesbank Sachsen Girozentrale, West Merchant Bank Limited, Arab Bank Group.

Parex banka’s subsidiary, the investment company Parex Asset Management is an
investment advisor of the Nestor Eastern European Bond Fund, which is
currently also offered to German inhabitants. The Fund’s profitability for
the last 12 months comprised 8%.

About Parex banka

Parex banka is one of the leading banks in the Baltic States, offering
integrated client services including lending, payment card services, leasing,
asset management and securities brokerage. The Bank is represented in 16
countries through its network of representative offices, branches and
subsidiaries, including a subsidiary in Switzerland, AP Anlage und Privatbank
AG. Parex banka – is an exclusive issuer of American Express credit cards in

Parex banka is rated Ba1 by Moody's Investors Service, BB+ by Fitch Ratings
and BBB- by Capital Intelligence.

Additional information:
International Communications department
Ph.: + 371 777 8571


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