Pēd. atjaunots: 18.07.2024 23:31 (GMT+3)

GRD: JSC Grindeks receives new patents of medicaments

05.12.2005, Grindeks, RIG
Grindeks                                                        05.12.2005

JSC Grindeks receives new patents of medicaments

On the 1st of December this year JSC Grindeks signed an agreement on
acquisition of patents – combination of new medicines for the treatment of
cardiovascular diseases.

Newly obtained patents will protect medicines manufactured by Grindeks in
5 states – in Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Byelorussia and Ukraine. In the
near future these patents will be registered on possession of Grindeks.

On the 20th November 2005 Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia published
in its official bullet and on the 28th of November issued to JSC Grindeks two
patents, which will enhance strengthening the company’s portfolio of
intellectual property and in future will deliver a substantial contribution
to cardiology.

“This isn’t the only State where the new products will be protected. We have
started preparation works for the submission of the international patent
application to the regional and national registration referable to more than
60 countries,” emphasizes Valdis Jākobsons, Chairman of the Board,
JSC Grindeks. “Our company pays attention not only to the protection of the
innovations but also works hard on the fast arrival of the proprietary products
to the markets of Latvia and other countries. Pharmacy is the sphere with
highest regulations and many different tests as well as complex registration
process is held before the product gets to the consumer.”

Presently JSC Grindeks is working on the other research projects for the
improvement of the company product portfolio.

"New patents are a logical outcome of long-term research works that demands
large material investments and highly qualified personnel. We are certain
than already in the nearest future JSC Grindeks will begin extensive patenting
of the next innovations that are now being developed”, accents V. Jākobsons.
" JSC Grindeks is fully aware of the fact that the times when production of
large amount, cheap medications were important are gone. Nowadays in the
pharmaceutical industry the companies having products whose intellectual
property are protected with patents and trade marks are the successful ones.”

Duration of the patent in Latvia is 20 years starting from the application
date in the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia.

Information prepared by:
Finance and Administrative director
JSC Grindeks
Office: 7083250,
GSM: 9226767
e-mail: janis_romanovskis@grindeks.lv


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