Pēd. atjaunots: 13.11.2024 00:05 (GMT+2)
AB Lietuvos Telekomas Stock Exchange Release 14.12.2005
A. Siksta resigned from the Supervisory Board of Lattelekom
Arunas Siksta, General Manager of AB Lietuvos Telekomas, resigned from the
position of member of the Supervisory Board of Latvian telecommunications
company Lattelekom SIA.
On 10 December 2004, Arunas Siksta during an extraordinary meeting of
shareholders of Lattelekom SIA was elected a member of Supervisory Board of
Lattelekom SIA.
Swedish company TeliaSonera AB indirectly owns 60 per cent of AB Lietuvos
Telekomas and 49 per cent of Lattelekom SIA shares.
Paulius Pakutinskas,
Senior Executive Legal Adviser
+370 5 236 73 30