Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 20:04 (GMT+3)

Viisnurk: Resolutions of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders

30.06.1999, Nordic Fibreboard, TLN


The extraordinary general meeting of AS Viisnurk shareholders was
convened on June 29, 1999 in hotel Strand in Pärnu.
28 shareholders/proxies with 3,186,983 votes (representing 70.84%
total votes) participated in the meeting.

Agenda and resolutions:

1. Amendments to the Articles of Association

The EGM resolved to amend the following articles of AS Viisnurk
Articles of Association: 1.2; 1.4; 1.5; 2.2; 2.3; 2.6; 3.2; 3.3;
3.6; 3.7; 3.9; 3.11; 3.12; 3.13; 4.2; 4.3 as follows:

Current article 1.2: Company’s location is Pärnu, address: Suur-Jõe
48, Pärnu EE3600, Republic of Estonia
New redaction: Company’s location is Pärnu, Republic of Estonia

Current article 1.4: Company is a legal person with all rights and
liabilities proceeding from its status, with its own seal and other
relevant symbols
New redaction: -

Current article 1.5: Company operates in accordance with the
Commercial Code, other legal acts valid in the Republic of Estonia
and provisions of the current Articles of Association.
New redaction: -

Current article 2.2: Company’s share capital is divided into
Company has one type of nominal shares with par value of 10.00
Estonian kroons. Each share entitles its holder for 1 (one) vote.
New redaction: Company’s share capital is divided into shares.
Company has one type of nominal shares with par value of 10.00
Estonian kroons. Each share entitles its holder for 1 (one)

Current article 2.3: Payment for acquisition of the Company’s
shall take place in monetary form. Upon the respective resolution
the general meeting, the payment for acquisition of shares can be
made in non-monetary form. Volume of non-monetary payment shall be
determined by the Management Board of the Company based on the
opinion of appointed expert or committee, proceeding from regular
value of such item or right. Non-monetary payment shall be effected
with an agreement concluded between the acquirer and the Company.
New redaction: Payment for acquisition of the Company’s shares
take place in monetary form. Upon the respective resolution of the
general meeting, the payment for acquisition of shares can be made
non-monetary form. Volume of non-monetary payment shall be
by the Management Board of the Company based on the opinion of
appointed expert or committee, proceeding from regular value of
item or right. Transfer of non-monetary payment shall be effected
upon a written agreement concluded between the acquirer and the
Company’s Management Board.

Current article 2.6: Company shall not issue paper certificates for
shares. The shareholder shall be registered in the Company’s
shareholders’ list. The shareholders’ list shall be maintained by
Management Board.
New redaction: Company shall not issue paper certificates for
The shareholder shall be registered in the Company’s shareholders’
list. The shareholders’ list shall be maintained by the Management
Board in the order determined by the Supervisory Board.

Current article 3.2: The general meetings can be convened regularly
(annual meetings) or extraordinarily. The annual general meeting
shall be convened once a year. Management Board shall give notice
all shareholders on address registered in shareholders’ list at
three weeks in advance of an upcoming general meeting.
New redaction: -

Current article 3.3: The extraordinary general meetings of
shareholders can be convened in cases and order provided by law.
New redaction: The general meetings of shareholders can be convened
in cases and order provided by law.

Current article 3.5: The general meeting can accept decisions if at
least half of the shareholder votes are present for a quorum,
for accepting decisions on amendments to the Articles of
and termination of the Company’s activities, in which case at least
2/3 of the shareholder votes must be present.
New redaction: General meeting of shareholders shall make
in the order provided by legal acts.

Current article 3.6: The new general meeting convened due to lack
quorum in the previous general meeting is competent to accept
decisions independent of the number of shareholder votes present.
New redaction: -

Current article 3.7: The general meeting's decisions are accepted
when at least over half of the present shareholder votes favor the
decision, except for changes to Articles of Association, increase
reduction of share capital and termination of the Company, when at
least 2/3 of the present shareholder votes must favor the decision,
also accepting decisions on exclusion of shareholders’ pre-emptive
purchase rights of new shares, when at least 3/4 of the present
shareholder votes must favor the decision.
New redaction: -

Current article 3.9: The Management Board is the executive
body of the Company, which represents and manages the Company.
New redaction: -

Current article 3.11: The Supervisory Board plans the activities of
the Company and organizes the management of Company and conducts
supervision over the activities of the Management Board.
New redaction: -

Current article 3.12: Members of the Supervisory Board are elected
office for three-year term. The Supervisory Board consists of 3
(three) members. The Supervisory Board shall make resolutions based
on majority of votes principle.
New redaction: Members of the Supervisory Board are elected to
for five-year term. The Supervisory Board consists of 3 (three)
members. The Supervisory Board shall make resolutions based on
majority of votes principle.

Current article 3.13: General meeting of shareholders can authorize
the Supervisory Board to increase the Company’s share capital in
order and scope provided by the Commercial Code.
New redaction: The Supervisory Board can increase the Company’s
capital via payments within the period of three years.

Current article 4.2: Company’s annual report shall be adopted and
resolutions on profit distribution shall be made by the general
meeting of shareholders.
New redaction: -

Current article 4.3: Company’s reserve capital shall consist of
annual net profit provisions. Volume of the Company’s reserve
shall be 1/10 of share capital. Until the aforementioned volume is
reached, the Company will transfer annually 1/20 share of net
to the account of reserve capital.
New redaction: Company’s reserve capital shall consist of annual
profit provisions. Minimum volume of the Company’s reserve capital
shall be 1/10 of share capital. Until the aforementioned volume is
reached, the Company will transfer annually 1/20 share of net
to the account of reserve capital.

2. Election of the members of the Supervisory Board

The EGM resolved to elect Joakim Helenius, Indrek Koolmeister and
Toomas Reisenbuk members of the Supervisory Board of AS Viisnurk.

3. Remuneration of members of the Supervisory Board

The members of the Supervisory Board will be paid EEK 8110.- once
quarter. The above sum will be divided between the members of the
Supervisory Board according to the Supervisory Board’s decision.

4. Number of auditors, appointment of auditors

The EGM appointed Marek Sukk of KPMG Estonia to audit the financial
reports of AS Viisnurk. The auditor’s proxy will be valid for
of 3 years.

5. Remuneration of auditors

The auditor will be remunerated as settled in the respective
contract. The Chairman of AS Viisnurk Management Board is entitled
conclude the respective contract.

Andrus Aljas
Financial Director
+372 44 78 355


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