Pēd. atjaunots: 07.07.2024 04:04 (GMT+3)

Klementi: Commentary to financial results, H1 2000

25.08.2000, Klementi, TLN


In H1 2000 the consolidated and unaudited net sales of AS Klementi
amounted to EEK 49.9 million, which is EEK 1.6 million or 3.5%
less than in H1 1999 (H1 99 consolidated net sales EEK 48.3 million).
In H1 the exports amounted to EEK 25.3 million, or 50.6% of net

Compared to the same period last year, the sale of goods produced
increased by 7.7% (from EEK 30.2 million to EEK 32.5 million). The
share of goods produced of net sales was 65.2%.
Sale of goods produced by markets (million EEK):

H1 2000 H1 1999 Change
Estonia 22.9 20.7 10.6%
Latvia, Lithuania 5.6 7.1 -21.1%
Finland, Sweden 3.8 1.9 96.9%
Other 0.2 0.5 -48.5%

Improved sales of goods produced in Estonia are connected with good
sales results of retail stores owned by Klementi. Decreased sales
results in Latvia and Lithuania are due to people's lower purchasing
power, resulting from overall slowdown of economy, and also due to
introduction of competitive local products on the market. Increased
sales in Scandinavian countries are due to successful launch of new

In H1 2000 the sales of goods produced amounted to EEK 15.6 million,
which accounts for 31.2% of net sales (30.4% in H1 1999). Compared
with the same period last year, the share of subcontracting works was
lower by 2.8%.

In H1 2000 AS Klementi consolidated and unaudited loss stood at
EEK 4.6 million (net loss during the same period last year EEK
2.2 million).

Net loss was mainly due to delayed delivery of fabrics for spring
collections and resulting under-fulfillment of sales schedule of
goods produced in Q1, but also by setbacks on the Lithuanian market.
Moreover, the company sold in H1 previous seasons' models in order to
decrease inventories and secure liquidity.

In Q2 Klementi's share capital was increased by EEK 11 million,
through directed share issue to its parent company P.T.A. Group OY.
After the share issue P.T.A. Group OY owns 68.97% holding in
Klementi. Proceeds from the share issue will be used to renew the
company's technological equipment, to be completed by the end of year

In Q2 AS Klementi also issued 10-year bonds to its parent company
P.T.A. Group OY in total amount of EEK 2 million. The proceeds will
be used to partially cover the costs of building the new storage
complex. The new storage complex will be completed by October 2000,
and it will be used for reception, complementing and distribution of
all raw materials used by P.T.A. group in production processes
(textiles and other materials). Thus AS Klementi will became a focal
point of P.T.A. group's raw materials logistics.

AS Klementi continued to develop its retail sales activities. In Q2
Klementi opened its stores in Tartu Riga. As of end-H1 Klementi had 5
stores in Estonia, 1 store in Riga and 1 store in Vilnius. Klementi's
Latvian and Lithuanian stores are operated by local companies, which
are not owned by Klementi. In H1 2000 AS Klementi intends to open 2
more Klementi stores in Estonia and 1 in Vilnius.

AS Klementi forecasts to earn zero-profit at EEK 117 million turnover
in year 2000.

Madis Võõras
Management Board chairman
+372 67 10 700


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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