Pēd. atjaunots: 05.07.2024 02:09 (GMT+3)

Merko Ehitus: audited balance sheet 31.12.1999

21.03.2000, Merko Ehitus, TLN


in thousand EEK
31.12.99 31.12.98 31.12.99 31.12.98

Cash and bank 25 239 14 199 5 353 764

Marketable securities 27 699 14 945 27 457 14 812

Accounts receivable 87 734 139 143 71 095 126 353
Allowance for doubtful receivables -124 -30 0 -30
Total accounts receivable 87 610 139 113 71 095 126 323
Receivables from subsidiary and
parent companies 1 735 6 038 5 849
Receivables from associated companies 1 222 1 238 1 222 1 238
Other short-term receivables 37 697 34 164 17 743 28 498
Total other receivables 40 654 35 402 25 003 35 585

Interest receivable 467 350 442 296
Dividends receivable 218 0 218 3 000
Other accrued income 945 1 778 945 1 778
Total accrued income 1 630 2 128 1 605 5 074

Prepaid taxes 2 587 5 488 1 412 4 286
Other prepaid expenses 10 307 11 158 9 030 10 383
Total prepaid expenses 12 894 16 646 10 442 14 669

Raw materials 2 535 2 078 0 0
Work-in-progress 0 14 186 0 0
Finished goods 1 133 100 0 0
Merchandise purchased for resale 3 327 8 229 3 280 3 275
Prepayments to suppliers 1 550 370 0 0
Total inventories 8 545 24 963 3 280 3 275
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 204 271 247 396 144 235 200 502

Shares in subsidiaries 0 0 33 446 111 192
Shares of associated companies 11 207 10 962 11 207 10 934
Other shares, holdings and debt
securities 115 1 565 115 115
Miscellaneous long-term receivables 4 028 13 754 3 467 4 145
Total long-term financial assets 15 350 26 281 48 235 126 386

Land and buildings 46 904 87 799 39 548 26 292
Ground lease 1 603 7 762 1 603 1 603
Plant and equipment 12 988 14 098 6 225 6 716
Other equipment and fixtures 6 854 6 437 4 821 4 598
Accumulated depreciation -16 138 -13 121 -12 367 -9 668
Self-constructed physical
assets under construction 110 809 0 0
Prepayments for noncurrent
physical assets 0 39 0 0
Total noncurrent physical assets 52 321 103 823 39 830 29 541

Development costs 0 8 0 0
Purchased concessions, patents,
licenses, etc. 9 0 0 0
Goodwill 1 206 1 665 0 0
Total intangible assets 1 215 1 673 0 0

TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 68 886 131 777 88 065 155 927

TOTAL ASSETS 273 157 379 173 232 300 356 429

Debentures (except bank loans) 6 107 191 3 706 0
Current period long-term debt repayment 0 3 456 0 0
Short-term loans from
financial institutions 2 035 30 707 0 23 626
Total debt obligations 8 142 34 354 3 706 23 626

Customer prepayments 43 109 29 961 12 952 26 784
Accounts payable to suppliers 52 526 59 786 35 570 45 225

Payables to subsidiary and
parent companies 48 1 518 29 073 49 378
Payables to associated companies 398 4 671 397 4 671
Total other payables 446 6 189 29 470 54 049
Tax liabilities 5 318 3 238 3 740 800

Payables to employees 5 572 7 337 4 130 4 958
Interests payable 9 302 0 186
Other accrued expenses 11 433 1 294 393 65
Total accrued expenses 17 014 8 933 4 523 5 209

Short-term provisions 1 310 2 585 1 152 1 806
Other pre-paid revenue 29 485 41 562 28 222 36 519
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 157 350 186 608 119 335 194 018

Non-convertible debt 6 854 8 125 6 851 8 000
Long-term loans from
financial institutions 0 26 544
Total long-term liabilities 6 854 34 669 6 851 8 000

Payables to subsidiary and
parent companies 0 42 0 0
Other noncurrent provisions 0 2 315 0 1 254
TOTAL NONCURRENT LIABILITIES 6 854 37 026 6 851 9 254

Share capital 88 500 88 500 88 500 88 500
Paid-in capital over par 2 950 2 950 2 950 2 950
Mandatory legal reserve 4 875 2 950 4 875 2 950
Retained earnings 47 717 20 270 47 717 20 270
Net profit for the financial year -39 746 38 483 -39 746 38 483
Rate fluctuation 1 818 4 1 818 4
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 106 114 153 157 106 114 153 157

MINORITY INTERESTS 2 839 2 382 0 0

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY 273 157 379 173 232 300 356 429

Ülo Metsaots
Financial Director
+372 6105110


Ieguldījumu Fondi

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